The Limited Times

Death of George Bizos, indefatigable lawyer for Mandela

9/9/2020, 7:15:21 PM

During the years of oppression by the black majority, the white lawyer, of Greek origin, defended major militant figures in the African National Congress (ANC).

South African lawyer George Bizos, who defended anti-apartheid icon Nelson Mandela and became his friend after allowing him to escape the death penalty, died on Wednesday September 9 at the age of 92 years old, announced President Cyril Ramphosa.

Read also: Death of the youngest daughter of Nelson Mandela, anti-apartheid activist

The cause of death of the famous lawyer, who had retired only a few years ago, was not immediately clarified.


I have just learned that" the eagle of the courtroom "of our country, George Bizos, is deceased,

" the South African president told reporters Wednesday evening, praising in particular his "

incisive spirit



This is very sad news for our country,

" he added.


George Bizos was one of the lawyers who contributed enormously to the achievement of our democracy

", again greeted Mr. Ramaphosa.

During the years of oppression by the black majority, the white lawyer, of Greek origin, defended major militant figures in the African National Congress (ANC).

And when the white power is about to fall, it participates in the elaboration of the new democratic constitution of the country.

Once apartheid was abolished, he notably contributed to the establishment of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, responsible for investigating the political crimes of the former regime.

See also

- South Africa: Mandela, a vanished dream?

Jean Guiloineau's analysis