The Limited Times

Gravina, ok with 5 substitutions in A season 20/21

9/9/2020, 6:51:39 PM

N.1 Figc, 'Unanimous agreement on positive signal TV rights' (ANSA)"The request from the A League to apply the five substitutions for the 2020/21 season has arrived. I can say today that also in our championship there will be five substitutions immediately". This was announced by the president of the FIGC Gabriele Gravina, in a press conference with the number one of FIFA Gianni Infantino, following the visit to Palazzo Chigi by Prime Minister Conte. Gravina also

"The request from the A League to apply the five substitutions for the 2020/21 season has arrived. I can say today that also in our championship there will be five substitutions immediately".

This was announced by the president of the FIGC Gabriele Gravina, in a press conference with the number one of FIFA Gianni Infantino, following the visit to Palazzo Chigi by Prime Minister Conte.

Gravina also commented on the unanimity with which the Lega di A opened to the media company for TV rights: "A result and a very positive signal for the world of football", he commented.