The Limited Times

Killed daughter 3 months: sentenced to life imprisonment

9/9/2020, 1:27:44 PM

Giuseppe Difonzo voluntarily and premeditatedly killed his three-month-old daughter Emanuela, suffocating her in her sleep in the night between 12 and 13 February 2016. (ANSA)

(ANSA) - BARI, 09 SEPT - Giuseppe Difonzo voluntarily and premeditatedly killing his daughter Emanuela di tremesi, suffocating her in her sleep in the night between 12 and 13 February 2016. The Bari Court of Assizes of Appeal sentenced the 32-year-old from Altamura to the penalty of 'life imprisonment, compared to the 16 years of imprisonment inflicted in the first instance.

The judges upheld the appeal of the Prosecutor's Office on the qualification of the crimes, holding the man guilty of premeditated and non-intentional voluntary homicide, and of two attempted murders.

According to the investigations of the Carabinieri, coordinated by the former prosecutor of Bari Simona Filoni (now child prosecutor in Lecce), Difonzo would have suffocated his daughter Emanuel during a hospitalization in the night between 12 and 13 February 2016. The little girl was born in October 2015 and she had been hospitalized for 67 days in about three months due to respiratory crises caused, according to the prosecutor and the judges, also by her father.

On two other occasions, before suffocating her, the man has already tried to kill her at home: on November 19, 2015, when the girl was one month old, and on January 10, 2016.

    Difonzo, suffering from 'Munchausen syndrome by proxy', which consists in harming others to attract attention to himself, has been detained for the crime since November 2016, but at the time he was already in prison for sexual assault on a minor. a 14-year-old daughter of family friends, for whom she was sentenced with an abbreviated rite to the 3-year prison sentence.