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Survivor of the attack on "Charlie the Bedouin": The terrorists said Allah Akbar - and shot me - Walla! news

9/9/2020, 8:09:50 PM

During the second week of the trial of the aides to the terrorist attacks in Paris, Simon Fishy, ​​who was the first person the pair of brothers encountered, said that he lost consciousness after the shooting and thus survived. The illustrator who had to open the door for them after threats: "I could not think anymore"

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Survivor of the attack on "Charlie the Bedouin": The terrorists said Allah Akbar - and shot me

During the second week of the trial of the aides to the terrorist attacks in Paris, Simon Fishy, ​​who was the first person the pair of brothers encountered, said that he lost consciousness after the shooting and thus survived.

The illustrator who had to open the door for them after threats: "I could not think anymore"


  • Shirley Bedouin

  • France

  • Paris

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Wednesday, 09 September 2020, 16:51

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In the video: The trial of the aides in the massacre in Shirley the Bedouin (Photo: AP and Reuters, Editing: Nir Chen)

An employee of the satirical magazine "Charlie the Bedouin" in Paris told the court today (Wednesday) how the terrorists broke into the place, and massacred 12 people five and a half years ago.

Simon Fishy was the first person the two brothers encountered when they entered the place in January 2015. They shouted "Allah Akbar", shot him with their Kalashnikov rifles, and then he lost consciousness.

From there they continued to hit other targets.

"It happened very quickly for me," said Fishy, ​​36, who limped to the witness stand using crutches.

Pishi, who was in charge of the paper's digital department, declined an offer to sit during his testimony, saying he would rather say his words while standing.

"I remember the door opened violently, and shots. I remember someone saying 'Allah Akbar,' and then 'We are not killing women,'" he said. "I lost consciousness, and it certainly saved my life." He's been in pain ever since and he's disabled.

More on Walla!


France: The trial of 14 defendants in the attacks on Charlie the Bedouin and the kosher supermarket opens

To the full article

More on the subject

  • "Charlie the Bedouin" republished cartoons of Muhammad before the trial of the aides in the attack

Insisted on testifying standing.

Fishy in court, today (Photo: AFP)

Fishy made the remarks during the second week of the trial in which 14 aides to terrorists are on trial who attacked the magazine's offices on January 7, 2015 and the kosher supermarket two days later.

In all, 17 people were killed in three days of terrorism that began a wave of terrorist attacks across the country.

The terrorists themselves were killed by the police.

The newspaper's offices were attacked by the Kawashi brothers, following the publication of cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad.

The magazine last week published the illustrations once again.

By the time Pishi regained consciousness, the massacre was over and many of his friends were lifeless or injured.

Shortly afterwards he was told what had happened to his co-workers.

"The picture that was engraved on me is of a blood trail in the hallway leading to the desk," he said in court.

"At that moment I didn't really understand what had happened."

The illustrator who introduced the terrorists: "There was silence of death"

Yesterday, another survivor, illustrator Corinne Ray, testified that she recalled tears the moment the terrorists forced her to open the door to the magazine's offices, threatening her life.

She said she left the weekly meeting of the magazine's editors to smoke, so she saw the terrorists calling her by her nickname, "Coco" and saying "We want Charlie the Bedouin."

While threatening to murder her, she was forced to open the door for them and she escorted them to the offices on the second floor.

"You insulted the Prophet, we are al-Qaeda in Yemen," they told her, she said.

The massacre ended in less than two minutes.

The Kawashi terrorists outside the offices of Charlie the Bedouin

They forced her to enter the office entry code, while aiming their weapons at her.

"I was in distress, I couldn't think anymore," said the 38-year-old Ray.

"I was finished, as if I was no longer in control, I could not do anything more. I felt the terrorists approaching their target, I felt how they were getting closer to me."

After the terrorists shot Pishi, Ray hid under the table.

"After the shootings, there was silence, silence of death. I thought they were going to finish the job with all those they did not kill," she described.

In less than two minutes, they left the place and left, she said, a "horror" play.

"It's something I'll live with for the rest of my life. I felt so helpless, so guilty."

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