The Limited Times

The Oscars establish minimum inclusion requirements in search of more diverse awards

9/9/2020, 5:22:07 PM

Having the least represented groups in the cast, plot or production will be mandatory from 2024 to qualify for the award for best film

Spike Lee receives his first statuette for 'Infiltrator of the KKKlan' at the 91st Academy Awards, held on February 24, 2019 in Los Angeles.

Lee boycotted the gala in 2016 over the award's lack of diversity.Mike Blake / Reuters

Seven months have passed since a

South Korean


won the Oscar for best picture, but the road to turning the Hollywood Film Academy into a global institution appears to be still half-way.

The next step is to require certain minimum conditions of diversity to the films to be eligible for that category.

The demands affect what is seen on screen and also the production teams, to "better reflect the diversity of film audiences," the Academy announced Tuesday.

In the 2025 awards, that is, in the 2024 films that want to compete for the Oscar for the best production of the year, one of these conditions will have to be met: at least one protagonist who is not white;

at least 30% of supporting characters are women, minorities, LGBTQ or disabled;

Or that the main topic is about one of these underrepresented groups on screen.

The Academy's race to become a global and diverse institution in which all audiences can be recognized began five years ago after the controversial #Oscarssowhite (Oscars so white).

That year the twenty nominees in the actor categories were white, when there were notable films with black actors.

That controversy ignited a debate in Hollywood to which the Academy reacted by setting very ambitious goals to increase diversity among its body of voters, who until then were mostly white men, North Americans and of a certain age.

Between 2015 and 2020, the institution admitted new members in groups of hundreds to correct this situation.

The number of women rose from 25% to 33% of the Oscar voting body.

The number of non-white academics has gone from 10% to 19%.

The Academy is also embarking on becoming more international and turning the Oscars into a global event, not just an American one, convinced that it is its only way forward.

In this time, it has admitted 819 new members from 68 countries.

The consequences were seen soon.

At the 2019 awards, the Mexican film


won four statuettes and was on the verge of the Oscar for the best production of the year.

Last February, South Korea's Parasites finally made history by becoming the first film produced abroad and shot in a non-English language to win the Oscar for best picture.

The Academy considers that the work is not finished.

Now she tries to get into the content of the movies, in what is seen on the screen.

However, the new rules are not as strict as it may seem.

On-screen diversity is one of four inclusion standards that films must meet.

The others affect creative teams.

For example, 30% of the team is from underrepresented groups, or at least one team leader is from a minority.

You can also give minorities internships, or have diverse marketing and distribution teams.

In other words, if a film is about British soldiers in World War I, like


, it is not necessary to see minorities and women on the screen.

There are other eligibility requirements that you may meet to qualify for the best movie.

These new rules do not affect the other categories of the Oscars, only the main prize.

The rules have been imposed by a special panel made up of Academy governors and producers DeVon Franklin and Jim Gianopoulos.

They are based on those already approved at the time by the British academy that delivers the BAFTA awards.

BAFTA Committee Chairman Marc Samuelson reacted Tuesday night with a statement congratulating the Hollywood Academy on the decision.

The new goals appear in what the Academy called Initiative 2025, a five-year plan that the institution describes as "the greatest challenge in our history to create a more equal and inclusive community."

"We must open ourselves up to better reflect the diverse global population in both the making of films and the audiences that connect with them," Academy CEO Dawn Hudson said in a statement.

"We believe that these changes will be a catalyst for lasting and profound change in our industry."

These are the diversity and inclusion conditions approved by the Academy.

To be eligible for the Best Film award, from 2024 productions will have to meet at least two of these four


1) Representation on the screen, theme and plot.

To respect this requirement, it is necessary to meet at least one of its three conditions:

a) At least one of the main actors or secondary interpreters of some relevance will be part of one of the following racial or ethnic groups:

  • Asian

  • Latino / Hispanic

  • Black / African American

  • Indian / Native American / Alaskan Native

  • Native to the Middle East / North Africa

  • Native Hawaiian or other type of islander originally from Oceania

  • Another underrepresented ethnic group

b) At least 30% of the supporting actors or with minor roles are part of at least two of the following underrepresented groups:

  • Women

  • An ethnic minority

  • LGTBI + people

  • People with physical, cognitive or hearing disabilities

c) The plot or theme of the film focuses on one of the following groups:

  • Women

  • An underrepresented ethnic group

  • LGTBI + people

  • People with physical, cognitive or hearing disabilities

2) Creative leadership and project team:

To respect this requirement, it is necessary to meet at least one of its conditions:

a) At least two heads of department or creative leadership positions (Direction, Editing, Production, Script,


Cinematography, Music, Art Direction, Sound, Special Effects, Set, Props, Costumes, Makeup, Stylist) will come from the following groups:

  • Women

  • An underrepresented ethnic group

  • LGTBI + people

  • People with physical, cognitive or hearing disabilities

And at least one of those positions must be assigned to a manager from one of the following racial or ethnic groups:

  • Asian

  • Latino / Hispanic

  • Black / African American

  • Indian / Native American / Alaskan Native

  • Native to the Middle East / North Africa

  • Native Hawaiian or other type of islander originally from Oceania

  • Another underrepresented ethnic group

b) Other important positions:

At least six other team members or technicians (with the exception of the Production Assistant) will be from a racial or ethnic minority group.

c) The film crew in general:

At a minimum, 30% of the team will be made up of:

  • Women

  • An underrepresented ethnic group

  • LGTBI + people

  • People with physical, cognitive or hearing disabilities

3) Access and opportunities in the film industry.

To respect this requirement, it is necessary to meet both conditions:

a) The companies that finance or distribute the films have paid scholarships or internships to people from one of the following groups:

  • Women

  • An underrepresented ethnic group

  • LGTBI + people

  • People with physical, cognitive or hearing disabilities

Large studios and film distributors must have paid, recurring and inclusive practices of underrepresented groups (including ethnic groups) in at least one of the following departments: Pre-production, Production, Post-production, Music, Special Effects, Acquisition, Administration, Distribution,


and Advertising.

Smaller and more independent studios and distributors will be required at least two scholarship recipients from the aforementioned groups (one from a poorly represented race or ethnicity) and at least one from one of the aforementioned departments. previously.

b) Skills development and training opportunities.

The company that distributes, finances or produces the film offers job or skills development opportunities for people who are part of one of the following groups:

  • Women

  • An underrepresented ethnic group

  • LGTBI + people

  • People with physical, cognitive or hearing disabilities

4) Audience development

The study will have several senior executives on its


, advertising or distribution


who are part of one of the following groups:

  • Women

  • An underrepresented ethnic group

  • LGTBI + people

  • People with physical, cognitive or hearing disabilities