The Limited Times

The police protesting in front of the Quinta de Olivos rejected an offer of dialogue from Alberto Fernández

9/9/2020, 8:15:15 PM

The proposal was made by the Secretary General of the Presidency, Julio Vitobello. The troops asked that the President and Governor Axel Kicillof come out to speak with the protesters.

09/09/2020 - 16:58

  • Clarí

  • Politics

The Buenos Aires police officers who are protesting in front of the

Quinta de Olivos

rejected this Wednesday an offer of dialogue from President Alberto Fernández.

The troops who are in front of the official residence asked that the same President and the Buenos Aires governor, Axel Kicillof, come out to speak with the protesters.

“We are not going in.

That the President and the governor come out to speak with us here on the sidewalk, he decides.

Let him come and lay the eggs here, ”said one of the agents.

"No one has to enter, and enough talking to the media," was also heard saying.

The proposal for dialogue was made by the Secretary General of the Presidency,

Julio Vitobello.

News in development.