The Limited Times

Trump cuts troops in Iraq and now hopes for the Nobel

9/9/2020, 6:51:45 PM

But Woodward's book embarrasses him about the virus, 'he has kept quiet about the danger' (ANSA)"Another promise kept", that of ceasing the "endless wars" of the US. Donald Trump announces the reduction of troops in Iraq and gloats over the candidacy for the Nobel Peace Prize after having brokered the agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates. But a new book, after that of his niece Mary Trump and former personal lawyer Michael Cohen, embarrasses him. Also because the author is t

"Another promise kept", that of ceasing the "endless wars" of the US. Donald Trump announces the reduction of troops in Iraq and gloats over the candidacy for the Nobel Peace Prize after having brokered the agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates. But a new book, after that of his niece Mary Trump and former personal lawyer Michael Cohen, embarrasses him. Also because the author is the legendary Watergate reporter Bob Woodward, to whom he had granted 18 extensive interviews for the occasion between December and July. The president, according to the advances of 'Rage' (Rabies), confided to the journalist that he knew weeks in advance of the first US death from Covid-19 how dangerous the virus was, transmissible by air, highly contagious and "more fatal. of a strong influence ", perhaps five times more. And who "always wanted to minimize it so as not to create panic". Statements that contrast with the tycoon's frequent comments. The judgment of the famous immunologist Anthony Fauci, the most authoritative member of the White House task force against the pandemic, is also harsh: "Trump's attention span is a negative number" and his leadership is "rudderless", "his only purpose is to be re-elected ".