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Maintaining the advantage: Israel prepares a list of requests to the United States | Israel Today

9/12/2020, 8:46:54 PM

| SecurityThe struggle for a qualitative advantage in the Middle East: The IDF has set up a team to formulate a list of requests that Israel will submit to the United States • Leading the team: Major General Tomer Bar Air Force F-35 // Photo: AFP The IDF has set up a team to formulate a list of requests that Israel will submit to the United States, in order to maintain its qualitative advantage. This is

The struggle for a qualitative advantage in the Middle East: The IDF has set up a team to formulate a list of requests that Israel will submit to the United States • Leading the team: Major General Tomer Bar

  • Air Force F-35 // Photo: AFP

The IDF has set up a team to formulate a list of requests that Israel will submit to the United States, in order to maintain its qualitative advantage.

This is in light of the administration's expected decision in Washington to approve the sale of F-35 aircraft and other advanced security equipment to the Emirates, following the normalization agreement to be signed in the middle of the week with Israel.

As far as is known, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu even plans to raise the issue at his meeting this week with President Donald Trump.

Israel is very concerned about the expected sale of advanced weapons to the UAE, led by the F-35, a fifth-generation aircraft with elusive capabilities, which the Israeli Air Force is the only one to own in the region.

The fear does not stem from the fact that the emirates will operate the plane - and other equipment they will receive - against Israel, but from the fact that an arms race will be opened in the area, in which advanced weapons will be sold to other countries, in a way that significantly improves Israel's advantage.

Another concern, which is not publicly expressed, is that the government in the UAE (or other countries) will be replaced.

"We now enjoy winds of peace, but we live in an unstable area where the wind direction may change rapidly," said a senior official on the subject.

"That's why we always make sure to be at least one step ahead of any other country in the region, and preferably more than that."

However, Israel understands that the administration in Washington is determined to sell the advanced aircraft to the United Arab Emirates, and possibly later to Saudi Arabia as well.

Against this background, several discussions and consultations have been held in recent weeks, in which it was decided "not to sit idly by," as the senior official puts it, but to act actively to preserve Israel's qualitative advantage.

The senior official said that this issue had already come up in discussions that took place between senior Israeli and American officials.

Evidence of this can also be found in several public statements by senior US officials, led by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who reiterated the US commitment to maintaining Israel's qualitative advantage in the Middle East, enshrined in law in Congress. This law obliges the US president to consult Israel before selling arms. Advanced to countries in the region.

Team members from several arms

The team established by the IDF is headed by the Chief of the Multi-Armored Planning and Building Division, Maj. Gen. Tomer Bar. Commanding the corps at the end of Amikam Nurkin's tenure.

In Israel, they considered asking the United States for the option of purchasing advanced F-22 fighter jets, but the idea quickly fell through because of the high cost and maintenance of the aircraft.

The team is now focusing on other alternatives, including: US approval for the supply of advanced armaments to Israel, as well as advancing supplies of various platforms that Israel has already purchased or plans to purchase in the near future, including refueling aircraft, V-22 transport helicopters and another fighter squadron. Type F-15.

The list of Israeli requests has not yet been completed, and therefore has not yet been approved individually by the political echelon.

However, the establishment of the team and the main directions have already been approved by Netanyahu, Defense Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Bnei Gantz and Chief of Staff Aviv Kochavi.

The senior official estimated that during his meetings with President Trump, Netanyahu would raise the issue, and that later on it would be possible to advance some of the issues in the near future.

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