The Limited Times

Notification for local elections 2020 in NRW: Can you vote without it?

9/12/2020, 9:17:27 AM

The election notification for the 2020 local elections in NRW provides the voters with a lot of information. We explain why writing is important.

The election notification for the 2020 local elections in NRW provides the voters with a lot of information.

We explain why writing is important.

  • Every eligible voter will receive a voting notification for the 2020 local elections in NRW.

  • There is a fixed deadline by which the documents should arrive.

  • Those who have not received voting notification are not necessarily excluded from voting.

Düsseldorf - On September 13, 2020 the most populous federal state will elect its municipal representatives.

Before the 2020 local elections in NRW, voting notifications will be sent to citizens who are entitled to vote.

We explain why you need these


and which


you should pay attention to.

Local election 2020 in NRW: What is an election notification?



notification is

the official information about the upcoming election

for those

entitled to vote


This letter not only informs you that you can take part in the election.

The voting notification also clearly states how and where the voter can cast their vote.

The voter also receives essential information about the dates of the election.

The main data have not changed in the local elections in NRW due to the corona virus.

Who will receive an election notification for the local elections in NRW?

Anyone who is entitled to vote in the 2020 local elections in North Rhine-Westphalia should generally receive a voting



In short, every German citizen and every citizen of another EU state can cast their votes in local elections if they have reached the age of 16 and have their

main residence

in the electoral area by

August 28, 2020 at the latest


Anyone who was not entered in the


roll in

good time

may not receive a


notification in individual cases.

But you can solve this problem by contacting your own municipality or city in good time.

When will the voting notification come home?

By August 23, 2020

, all eligible voters in North Rhine-Westphalia should be informed that they are entered in the electoral roll.

If you want to vote but have not received a



that day

, you should contact the community as soon as possible.

Such a case can arise, for example, when moving at short notice with a late re-registration.

The voting notification is valid for all elections that take place on September 13th, in some regions also for the election to the Ruhr Parliament.


Voting in Essen in the last local election.

© picture alliance / dpa / Ina Fassbender

What do I need the voting notification for the 2020 local elections in NRW?

The election notification reveals some important facts to the voter for the 2020 local elections. Each voter is



polling station

where he can cast his or her vote.

A change of the polling station is possible on request.

Simply going spontaneously to another polling station on election day is out of the question.

It is therefore important that the voting notification reveals exactly which polling station is intended for the addressed voter.

In addition, the voting notification provides information on whether the polling station is barrier-free.

The notification also contains the official information on the application for delivery of the

postal voting documents


Please also note the general information on the postal voting application.

Voting without notification of the election - possible in local elections in NRW?

As long as you have received your voting notification before the 2020 local elections in NRW, it is clear that you are entitled to vote.

Basically, the voting notification is then no longer mandatory in order to participate in the election.



at the polling station, your identity card or passport is sufficient to identify yourself and to receive the voting slip.

If you no longer know the information about the polling station, you should inquire with your municipality before the election.

Anyone who needs a decision-making aid before going to the ballot box can be lucky depending on where they live.

There are some alternatives to Wahl-O-Mat on the occasion of the local elections in NRW.

At least in the big cities, polls can be expected before the local elections.

On the evening of the election itself, after the results have been announced, you can see on our interactive voting card which new and old mayors are moving to the town halls and which election lists will be elected to the Ruhr Parliament in the first direct election.

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