The Limited Times

Outdoor pools: Satisfied with the season - despite Corona

9/12/2020, 6:19:54 PM

Despite the special circumstances that the 2020 Corona season brought, the outdoor pool operators are satisfied with the year. The downside: the losses are growing.

Despite the special circumstances that the 2020 Corona season brought, the outdoor pool operators are satisfied with the year.

The downside: the losses are growing.

Miesbach / Fischbachau

- Despite the restrictions that Corona has brought to the Miesbach outdoor pool this year, the bathroom has never been as important as it was in the season that ended on Sunday, according to Erhard Pohl.

Despite the limitation to 350 simultaneous visitors, up to 600 people came to swim on some days.

Despite the late start, the result was a “good-average bathing year”.

And, most importantly, despite the requirements, many locals who had taken their summer vacation home would have rediscovered the bathroom for themselves.

For a season that began with many uncertainties, “we can be satisfied”.

The only downer for Pohl: In parallel with its importance, the loss that the warm outdoor pool brings to the Miesbach city budget will also grow.

Security and cleaning staff have driven up costs;

Due to the four-week late start, the outdoor pool lost the all-important early phase of the season, when many swimmers prefer the warm pool to the still cold lakes.

Personnel costs and maintenance were still fully booked - the operators had the water heated as planned and everything started up so that they were ready immediately after the end of the Corona lock.

The later rush only partially compensated for that, says Pohl: “It wasn't a continuous super summer either.

The loss will certainly be greater than usual. ”He does not yet have exact figures.

But there was a lot of encouragement from the bathers, as Pohl reported to the city council on Thursday evening: "The population was very grateful that we started immediately and that they could spend the summer at home in Miesbach." That the season is now independent of other sunny days Days is all right for Pohl: "In September, people are mentally finished with bathing."

Fischbachau's Mayor Johannes Lohwasser can classify what a higher loss means for an outdoor pool.

Although he expects the warm outdoor pool in his community only to remain the same, not to increase.

In return, the income would have been halved - probably a bigger cut than in Miesbach.

In the end, however, there are only around 20 percent more loss, Lohwasser estimates: "Public swimming pools are simply a negative item." This year, a little more than usual.

Lohwasser is also satisfied with the past season - the Fischbachau warm outdoor pool closed last weekend: "It was worth it because the visit was there." The feedback from guests and employees was consistently positive, and the rules were followed with understanding.

"As we did it, it was definitely right and we would do it again."

The increased loss does not endanger planned renovations, says Lohwasser.

The heating hall is to be renewed over the winter, the change of tenants is ongoing.

To this end, Lohwasser wants to learn from the crisis: For example, he is thinking about counting visitors in the entrance area with a digital turnstile instead of analog tickets.

The warm outdoor pool will also survive Corona.