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Parents protest against the gap between the closure of the education system and the apparent closure: "Not damn hairy" - Walla! news

9/12/2020, 6:40:48 PM

The decision, which will be submitted to the government for approval tomorrow, in which it is proposed to close the education system as early as Wednesday, two days before the general closure date, excites parents and teaching staff, with a lack of clarity regarding the outline in general in the coming weeks. Kindergartens threatened to disable distance learning: "No solution for children"

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  • Corona

Studies in the days of Corona

Parents protest the gap between the closure of the education system and the apparent closure: "Not damn hairy"

The decision, which will be submitted to the government for approval tomorrow, in which it is proposed to close the education system as early as Wednesday, two days before the general closure date, excites parents and teaching staff, with a lack of clarity regarding the outline in general in the coming weeks.

Kindergartens threatened to disable distance learning: "No solution for children"


  • Corona virus

  • Ministry of Education

  • Yoav Galant

Dana Yarkatzi

Saturday, 12 September 2020, 21:26

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Parents and teaching staff are furious at the impending decision to shut down the education system this coming Wednesday with the aim of curbing the spread of the corona virus, two days before the entry into force of the total closure.

With the publication of the proposal to be submitted tomorrow for government approval on the issue, they are calling for adjusting the deadlines.

Chairman of the national leadership of the parents, Merom Schiff said tonight Walla! News that "education is not a scapegoat, comes from my parents in Israel to receive the data on which decisions the Israeli government."

According to Schiff, "[meaning] a lack of concordance between closing system Education for general closure is the creation of a closure on kindergarten and school parents.

A parent of a five-year-old child cannot go to work when his child is at home.

If the Israeli government has made a decision that the closure will take place from Friday - the education system should be part of the closure only on Friday. "

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"The hallucinatory decision."

The Haim Guri School in Rosh HaAyin (Photo: Reuven Castro)

The National Kindergarten Committee has even announced that if the decision is indeed made, it intends to disable distance learning these days, arguing that the distance learning format in kindergartens is ineffective.

"It is delusional that they have set a date for a general closure but the educational institutions will close earlier. Already in the previous closure we saw that the distance learning outline does nothing, makes it difficult for parents and does not give a real solution to children," the committee said.

"The outline presented to us by the Ministry of Education also shows that the educational staff will work full days, but in practice each child will only receive half an hour to an hour a day. We believe that there is no room to continue distance learning and as long as there is closure, stop learning and return school days off. ".

The committee called on parents to join them in this struggle.

The Minister of Education, Yoav Galant, also called for postponing the closure of the education system until the date of the closure.

"An active education system is essential for every child and every family and is a basic condition for operating the economy in Israel. The education of Israeli children must not be harmed," Galant wrote on his Twitter account. "In light of the importance of the closure, I suggested to government members - close educational institutions on Friday." Simchat Torah".

Galant and Netanyahu on September 1 at Mevo Horon School (Photo: Kobi Gideon, GPO)

It should be noted that there is uncertainty in the education system regarding the outline of studies under the expected restrictions, following the Corona Cabinet's announcement of the shutdown of the education system in the first two weeks of closure, and of distance learning in fifth grades and above two weeks later.

The national parents' leadership protested yesterday against the government's conduct and presented several demands.

The leadership demanded that in the event of a general closure between Rosh Hashana and Sukkot, the educational institutions, with the exception of special education, would be closed and there would be no distance learning.

They also demanded that as soon as one of the business sectors returns to a work routine - the educational institutions up to sixth grade will return to a full routine immediately, and seventh grades and above will return to school in a graded manner in cooperation with the parents' leadership.

They also demanded that the missing days in each age group be returned on Hanukkah, Pesach and at the end of the year.

Parental leadership requirements from the government

  • In case of general closure: Educational institutions, with the exception of special education, will be closed and there will be no distance learning

  • As soon as one of the sectors returns to work: kindergarten ages up to sixth grade will immediately return to a full routine

  • Seventh graders and up will return to routine gradually

  • The missing days in each age group will be returned on Hanukkah, Pesach and at the end of the year

At this point, even the government does not know how to respond to that.

Education Minister Yoav Galant promised during the publication of the "Learning with Confidence" outline that even during the closure all students will study, but the Ministry of Education says that the details of the outline are in the hands of projector Prof. Roni Gamzo, while Gamzo headquarters said the government is expected to discuss the education system outline on Sunday.

"The government needs to approve the outline of education, and government ministries also need to sit down and discuss details," the Magen Israel administration said.

They added that in any case, during the closure period, the schools and kindergartens will be closed.

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