The Limited Times

Telemundo News launches verification platform

9/12/2020, 9:01:48 PM

T Verifica was created to verify the accuracy and veracity of the statements made by politicians, officials and other public figures.

By Ronny Rojas

T Verifica is Noticias Telemundo's new data verification platform.

Our mission is to verify the accuracy and veracity of the statements made by politicians, public officials and other figures who occupy an important space in public discussion.

We also monitor and deny the false news and rumors that most affect the Latino community in the United States, and that circulate in the press and social networks.

We aim to be allies of our readers to provide them with reliable and quality information that allows them to make informed decisions about the most critical aspects of their lives.

We want to do this work with your collaboration.

If you receive information about which you doubt or want to suggest topics, data or statements to verify, you can write to us at the email:

[Follow our coverage of the 2020 presidential elections] 

We started this informative project with a strategic alliance for the 2020 presidential elections. In addition to the original content, Noticias Telemundo and Univision Noticias will be translating and publishing verifications from nine partners that publish in English: Politifact, USA Today, The Dispatch, Lead Stories,, AFP, Check Your Fact, MediaWise, and Science Feedback.

The information will be available from September 15 in a



, with which you can interact to receive verifications in Spanish of the issues that interest you most.

This project, called Verifact, is possible thanks to the coordination of the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN), with the support of WhatsApp.

You can receive our content direct by WhatsApp by registering the number + 1-727-310-5258 and writing "Hello" in the first message.

Our verdicts

The claim rating system we examine is determined by the following categories:


We consider "False" any statement that we find to be untrue, after we have conducted our investigation.


We consider "Misleading" any statement that partially coincides with reality, but requires clarification.

Statements that do not allow for a fair comparison and misrepresent the content, or make it biased.

There is no evidence:

 We say that "there is no evidence" when after our investigation, no data or verifiable facts are found that allow us to verify or deny a claim.

Lack of context:

 We consider that there is a "lack of context" when a statement, even though it may be true, needs data and details that better explain what has been said.


We consider “true” all those statements that do coincide with the facts, data and evidence available after our investigation.

About our fixes

We know that as human beings we can err.

If you detect any errors or inaccuracies in our information, please let us know.

You can send your comments to the same email:

We will carefully evaluate each of your observations, to correct when we must.  

The articles published by the Verifact project come from various verification sites and platforms that collaborate to bring you quality information.

If you detect an error or think that we should correct any information, you can write to us at the same email.

Each suggestion will be evaluated and discussed with the allied media.

In the cases that warrant it, the corrections will be made with an update at the foot of the note.