The Limited Times

The government fears a rebel worshipers Israel today

9/12/2020, 9:04:59 PM

| In the countryTowards the approval of the restrictions, there is a fear that the worshipers will not respect them • A source in the health system: "There is no doubt that there is a certain anarchy" Worshipers follow the guidelines in Netivot // Photo: Dudi Greenspan According to the decision-making proposal submitted to the government for approval, only a few worshipers will be able to enter the holy days p

Towards the approval of the restrictions, there is a fear that the worshipers will not respect them • A source in the health system: "There is no doubt that there is a certain anarchy"

  • Worshipers follow the guidelines in Netivot // Photo: Dudi Greenspan

According to the decision-making proposal submitted to the government for approval, only a few worshipers will be able to enter the holy days prayers in the synagogues in capsules, and the rest will be forced to pray in the open air, even in small numbers.

One of the heaviest concerns regarding Tishrei prayers is the rebellion of worshipers and the lack of observance of the heavy instructions.

In contrast to the usual days of the year, Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur are considered the peak of the prayers of the year, and many may congregate contrary to the guidelines for praying in the minyan.

A senior health official admitted that "there is no doubt that there is a certain anarchy, and it is a real question whether we will see underground prayers, as is already seen in various cities. At the same time, things need to be put on the table - there is real danger here."

The source also hinted that if the traffic light plan had been implemented as planned, the outline would have been easier.

"You can't eat the cake and leave it intact."

Photo: Shmulik Wells

Meanwhile, there has been a great deal of confusion among synagogue collectors around the country.

Usually in the synagogues they prepare close to a month before the holiday for the yeshiva and prayers, while this time until the Saturday evening before the holiday they did not know how the prayers would be performed.

Yitzhak Sheinan, the Gabay of the Itzkowitz Synagogue in Bnei Brak, one of the largest and most well-known synagogues in Israel, said that he intends to keep the instructions piously, but does not know if worshipers will listen to them elsewhere.

"Usually we get organized months before the holidays, but this time we were put in a corner. We knew in advance that it would not be the same, and now we are considering how to proceed. We have no choice.

"There are some worshipers who are tired of this whole game," says Sheinan, who fell ill in Corona himself and recovered.

"This is a big problem, it is impossible to know how each person will react and there is no doubt that there will be some who will rebel. The curfew angered a lot of people, took them to bad places."

Among the many worshipers who will pray in Israel this year will be many Breslav followers, who usually go to Uman in Ukraine on Rosh Hashanah, but this year their arrival was not possible.

This is how the prayers will be conducted

According to the outline, the open-air prayers will be performed in groups of up to 20 people.

In a building where the level of morbidity is high in accordance with the Ministry of Health's determination - in groups of up to ten people.

In buildings that are not in a place where the level of morbidity is high - prayer will be allowed in groups of up to 25 people.

The gathering is allowed as long as a person's ratio of 4 square meters is maintained.

With the approval of the outline in the government, the police will begin to prepare for it.

"Enforcement is the last thing we want to do. If we are required to enforce the law in synagogues - we will do so, but from the experience of the first wave we have learned that we are not necessarily required to do so. The public understands that there is a problem, and evidence, countless courtyards. "Let them turn around, and at the same time we expect the rabbis to call on the general public to maintain all restrictions," they noted.

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