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The Ministry of Education presented an outline for distance learning in kindergartens; Parents: "It will only make it harder to quarantine at home" - Walla! news

9/12/2020, 8:04:48 PM

According to the outline, the kindergarten teachers contacted the children through video calls and videos, with the children divided into groups. The parents' committee in the kindergartens: "It's just a joke. It's better to schedule extra school days later in the year." Kindergarten Committee: "In practice every child will get half to an hour a day. It does not give a real solution to children"

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The Ministry of Education presented an outline for distance learning in kindergartens;

Parents: "It will only make it harder to quarantine at home"

According to the outline, the kindergarten teachers contacted the children through video calls and videos, with the children divided into groups.

The parents' committee in the kindergartens: "It's just a joke. It's better to schedule extra school days later in the year."

Kindergarten Committee: "In practice every child will get half to an hour a day. It does not give a real solution to children"


  • Ministry of Education

  • Kinder gardens

  • Corona virus

Dana Yarkatzi

Saturday, 12 September 2020, 22:49

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In the video: Head of Public Health Services in a discussion in the Education Committee (Photo: Knesset Channel)

The Ministry of Education today (Saturday) published an outline for the kindergarten inspectors to operate the kindergartens remotely during the closure, days before the closure of the education system, which is scheduled for this coming Wednesday.

This, while kindergarten staff, as well as parents, oppose distance learning on the grounds that it is ineffective.

According to the outline that came to Walla!

NEWS Under the heading "Keeping in touch with the children during closure", the kindergarten teachers will contact the kindergarten children through phone calls, WhatsApp video calls, voice recordings and videos of the kindergarten teachers.

As part of the outline, the kindergarten will be divided into several groups of four to six children, and each kindergarten teacher will hold five "group meetings" remotely a day, in addition to six individual meetings that will be held each day by the same means.

According to the plan, the kindergarten teacher will hold a personal meeting with a child at least once a week.

All this, for six hours - as on a normal working day.

Tomorrow, the government will vote on the imposition of the general closure, which is expected to take effect on Friday, when, according to the proposal, the education system will be closed two days earlier, on Wednesday.

After the first phase of the restrictions, which will last about two weeks, another two weeks with similar restrictions are expected, after which the activity will return according to the traffic light layout in accordance with the morbidity data.

It is still unclear whether the activity of the genes under this outline will take place in the first phase of the closure, or in the second part, which may be more lenient in terms of restrictions.

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The Kindergarten Committee argues that "distance learning is ineffective."

Anemone Garden, Rosh HaAyin (Photo: Reuven Castro)

Sigal Spitz Toledano, chair of the Parents' Committee on Kindergartens, said the outline "is just a joke."

There is no doubt that this is not necessary and this will only make it more difficult to quarantine at home, which is already very complex both emotionally and in terms of computing infrastructure.

What will all those hundreds of thousands of families who do not have a computer do to give to the kindergarten children?

It is a pity that the education system is not educated to learn lessons from the first closure and set additional school days later in the year, instead of distance learning for kindergarten children. "

Earlier, the National Kindergarten Committee protested Accepted, he intends to disable distance learning these days on the grounds that the distance learning format in kindergartens is ineffective.

More on Walla!


Parents protest the gap between the closure of the education system and the apparent closure: "Not damn hairy"

To the full article

Anemone Garden in Rosh HaAyin (Photo: Reuven Castro)

"It is delusional that they have set a date for a general closure but the educational institutions will close earlier. Already in the previous closure we saw that the distance learning outline does nothing, makes it difficult for parents and does not give a real solution to children," the committee said.

"The outline presented to us by the Ministry of Education also shows that the educational staff will work full days, but in practice each child will only receive half an hour to an hour a day."

The committee also stated that "we believe that there is no place to continue learning from a distance and as long as there is a closure, the distance learning should be stopped and the school days returned on vacation."

The committee called on parents to join them in this struggle.

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