The Limited Times

The opening of the popular market from producer to consumer in Aleppo

9/12/2020, 9:40:48 PM

Aleppo-SANA Inaugurated this evening the popular market activities organized by the Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority BA


The activities of the popular market, which is being held by the Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority in cooperation with the Governorate of Aleppo, opened today evening in the halls of the Hamdaniya stadiums, with the participation of 153 production projects from various governorates of the country, including the display of products for the food and textile industries, clothes, school stationery, detergents, sterilization materials, soap, chemical and plastic industries.

Ihab Asmander, Director General of the Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority, stated in a statement to the SANA correspondent in Aleppo that within the promotion program in the authority, a shopping festival for small and medium enterprises is organized with the participation of the governorates of the country with the aim of giving owners of small and medium enterprises the opportunity to market their products and display them directly to the consumer and enable him to choose and market what It needs it and canceling the dealer ring, which contributes to reducing the prices of products by about 35 percent of the normal state.

He added that the festival, which lasts for 15 days, constitutes an important opportunity to exchange experiences and facilitate the marketing process for their products and thus improve and activate commercial movement in the Syrian market.

The Sana camera toured the market and met a number of participants who displayed their products, as Hisham Dahman explained that he displays his products from the plastic industries and household appliances directly from the producer to the consumer at reduced prices of about 20 percent, with the aim of encouraging citizens to buy and shop and stimulate the movement of the market.

Ghassan Falaha, who participates in a clothing wing, said that the market is a positive step to enable the producer to offer his goods directly to the consumer at reduced prices that reach the cost only in order to compete, break market prices, stimulate economic movement and meet the needs of citizens, while Muhammad Khalouf from Lattakia Governorate and the birth of Al-Mari from the Governorate Homs, with the facilities provided by the Projects Development Authority, to display their clothing products for free, and they added that the sale is made directly to the consumer, with price reductions of up to 40 percent.

Faten Al-Bash said that she participates in cosmetics and types of laurel soaps at reduced prices, and the market is an important gesture for marketing small products, while Nazem Al-Sheikh Awad said about his participation in the types of sterilizers and decorative and cosmetic materials that he is keen to provide his products at cost prices to help the citizen to shop.

Firas Nashed from the Food Products Department explained that the products are offered at competitive prices and noted the good organization, especially in light of citizens' fear of infection with the Coronavirus, as he touched the precautionary measures taken to sterilize shoppers, and Muhammad Hassan Zaatari, who participates in food products, noted the positive steps taken to display the product directly to the consumer. And prices are encouraging what contributes to activating the economic movement.

Ahmed Al-Qutb and Ahmed Kiwan from Daraa Governorate said that the goal of participation is to see the commercial market in Aleppo and display the food that Daraa Governorate is famous for, especially Daraa comfort and food products made from tomatoes, and to market them to the citizen of Aleppo at cost price.

And from Hama governorate, Akram Afif, a development expert from the Sawa Center for the Army Wounded, spoke about cooperation with the Projects Development Authority to provide appropriate opportunities to display the products of wounded Syrian Arab Army from foodstuffs that are manufactured in homes, including honey, figs, grapes and dairy products at reduced prices and help them market their products while all happen From Wael Saleh, Ahmed Samra, and Medin Yusef, the war wounded in the Syrian Arab Army, about the importance of their participation in the food products that are manufactured by them and with some wooden crafts that express the folklore and put these products on the Aleppo market.

A number of visitors to the exhibition expressed their admiration for the good organization and the importance of offering products at low prices, which encouraged them to market their needs, especially with the arrival of schools, pointing to the need to hold such exhibitions to buy the product directly and cancel the dealer's circle.

Qusay Razzouk