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Yellow vests: only 10% of French people still say they support them

9/12/2020, 10:28:48 PM

Back to school failed for the Yellow Vests. While they were only a few thousand in the streets this Saturday, an Ifop study that we unveil

It was their return to school after the forced truce due to confinement and the summer break.

The yellow vests, mostly masked, have made a comeback on the streets of Paris and in several provincial towns.

A few thousand demonstrators across the country - against nearly 300,000 in December 2018 - and nearly 220 arrests in Paris.

The movement thus seems to be losing speed.

A phenomenon noted by a study by the Ifop polling institute carried out from September 3 to 7 with 3013 people, which we are revealing exclusively.

Now, only 10% of the population aged 18 and over would feel close to yellow vests, i.e. between 4 and 4.5 million people.

For comparison, they were 19% in this case in December 2018.


Bigard booed, demonstrators little mobilized ... The yellow vests are back

“The movement remains a pole of protest which continues to be regenerated by new frustrations, however, underlines Jérôme Fourquet, director at Ifop.

To the historians who rebelled against the increase in taxes on fuel and denounced the gap between the people and the elites, were added the directors of nightclubs affected by the economic impact of the health crisis or even the anti-masks .

The yellow vests crystallize all the anger which itself is constantly renewed.

What does not change, however, is that the Vests are recruited mainly from the extreme parties (15% vote for Jean-Luc Mélenchon, 19% for Marine Le Pen).

The yellow vests also suffer from their inability to agree on a common political platform.

"It is true that the Yellow Vests have not succeeded in becoming a French" Five Star ", Fourquet analysis.

In Italy, this movement had gained momentum thanks to Bepe Grillo, in whom he had found to be embodied.

Jean-Marie Bigard, who for a while believed to bring the movement to France, was exfiltrated from a parade this Saturday.

The Ifop poll points out that only 32% of those who say they are close to the yellow vests could consider voting for the comedian.

We are far from the plebiscite.

And now, it is Professor Didier Raoult who, according to Jérôme Fourquet, would be popular with them.

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Yellow vests: a year ago, the disillusionment (Part 3)

What risk then for the executive?

“Contrary to what happened under François Hollande, whose popularity rating was, however, lower than that of Emmanuel Macron, the latter must face a challenge that is expressed in the street but which, in addition, is permanent, insists Fourquet.

The executive can only take its trouble patiently and wait for the movement to run out of steam and become demotivated.
