The Limited Times

Corona children's bonus in September 2020: How to determine your payout date

9/13/2020, 12:31:48 PM

Start of the payout of the Corona child bonus: Since Monday (07.09.2020) parents of children who receive child benefit have received a EUR 300 surcharge in Germany. Do all parents benefit equally?

Start of the payout of the Corona child bonus: Since Monday (07.09.2020) parents of children who receive child benefit have received a EUR 300 surcharge in Germany.

Do all parents benefit equally?

  • Parents with

    children who

    are subject


    child benefit

    will receive a

    Corona child bonus in



  • EUR 300 per child

    has been paid out gradually since September 7, 2020.

  • Here you can find out when you

    will receive


    child bonus


+++ 1:05 p.m.:

In a guest post on RP-Online, further criticism is exercised.

Önder Balkaya, who runs a website for crisis-plagued parents, says that the

child bonus is

nowhere near enough to cover the loss of

income due to the



A better option would have been to invest the money in schools.

For example, the equipment could have been renewed and improved, or teachers could have been trained to deal with the situation.

Long-term measures were a better form of investment.

As a result, one is better prepared for a possible second lockdown, which, should it come, could pose great financial difficulties for parents.

Payment dates for the Corona children's bonus in September 2020:

Final digit

Payout date

Final digit 0

7th of September

Last digit 1

September 8th

Last digit 2

the 9th of September

Last digit 3

September 10

Last digit 4

September 11

Last digit 5

September 14th

Last digit 6

16th September

Last digit 7

September 18

Last digit 8

21st September

Last digit 9

September 22

Criticism of the Corona child bonus: You could have invested the money better

Balkaya also compares the

child bonus

with the reduced VAT.

From his point of view, the money spent on this would have been better invested than paid out to consumers.

Balkaya does not doubt that there are also families who urgently need the money.

However, he doubts whether it always matters to the children.

Overall, he is of the opinion that the federal and state governments are thinking too short-term and too little of the


, which, in his view, were only considered

at the

very end.

+++ 8:40 a.m.:

The left-wing social politician and chairwoman of the family committee in the Bundestag, Sabine Zimmermann, has



child bonus

in the

Corona crisis

as inadequate.

A one-time bonus of 300 euros could not even come close to offsetting the burden of the pandemic for families, she told the "Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung" (Monday).

The President of the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW), Marcel Fratzscher, on the other hand, defended the Federal Government's performance as "one of the smartest measures of the economic stimulus program".

The family benefits began on Monday with the gradual payment of the child bonus.

Families with children receive 200 euros per child this month, and another 100 euros in October. 

Payment dates for the Corona children's bonus in October 2020:

Final digit

Payout date

Final digit 0

October 7th

Last digit 1

8th October

Last digit 2

9th October

Last digit 3

October 12th

Last digit 4

October 14th

Last digit 5

15th October

Last digit 6

October, 16th

Last digit 7

October 19th

Last digit 8

October 21

Last digit 9

October 22nd

Corona child bonus for everyone who also receives child benefit: 300 euros per child

Update from Monday, September 7th, 2020, 7.30 a.m.:

Starting today, Monday, the family

benefits offices

in Germany will begin gradually paying out the

Corona child bonus


Families receive 200 euros per child in September and another 100 euros in October.

This is intended to cushion the economic consequences of the

corona pandemic

for families and at the same time stimulate the economy.

In total, around 18 million children are eligible.

for which


benefit is



According to a


published on Sunday

by the Institute for the German Economy

, almost two thirds (61 percent) of recipients want to spend all or part of the money, while 39 percent want to save the amount.

More than every second respondent called the bonus sensible;

19 percent said the measure was unsuitable for mitigating the economic consequences of the corona crisis.

Corona child bonus will be paid out from today - parents receive a one-off payment

Update from 09/06/2020, 3:45 p.m.:


Corona child bonus

is paid out to parents

who received or are


child benefit

in 2020


The 300 euros

will be


out in September and October 2020: 200 euros will be transferred in

September 2020

, 100 euros will follow in

October 2020


But when exactly is the money transferred?

The exact

payment date

depends on the

final digit of the child benefit number


Meanwhile, Deutsche Bahn surprises with a million discounted tickets.

But these are only available for one group.

Corona child bonus will be paid out in September and October 2020

First report from September 6th, 2020:

Berlin - Almost two out of three recipients want to

directly re-issue

the one-time Corona

children's bonus in

whole or in part.

This is shown by a survey on behalf of the Institut der Deutschen Wirtschaft (IW), which the dpa has received in Berlin.

1202 people were interviewed.

Corona child bonus: Parents receive 300 euros per child

From this Monday on, the family

insurers will


pay out the

child bonus


A total of 300 euros is to flow for around 18 million children.

The black-red coalition decided to take the measure as part of its economic stimulus package against the consequences of the

corona crisis


According to IW,

24 percent of respondents with a

child entitled to child benefit


to spend the entire




37 percent want to do this at least partially.

39 percent of the respondents said that they want to save the child bonus completely.

Corona child benefit bonus is intended to boost consumption

Those who

only want to spend part of


Corona child bonus

were also asked which part they want to spend exactly.

Around 10 percent of them want to spend up to a quarter of this on



Another 49 percent plan to spend 26 to 50 percent.

33 percent want to use 51 to 75 percent of the

child bonus

for consumption.

According to IW, 8 percent intend to spend 76 to 99 percent of it.

The IW has calculated that all respondents who

will receive


Corona child bonus

for their children should


an average of 128 euros per child.

The amount increases to 210 euros per child if only those who want to spend the bonus in whole or in part are considered.


child bonus

costs the state 4.3 billion euros.

Corona child bonus is intended to cushion the consequences of the corona crisis

Overall, according to IW, most of those surveyed rate the effect of the

child bonus as


Around 55 percent find this measure to be very useful or rather useful, "to mitigate the general economic consequences of the corona crisis".

Almost 19 percent do not find the measure useful.

@BMFSFJ you should urgently reconsider the rule on the #Kindergeldbonus.

Maintenance reduced by 100 €, #children's bonus not yet paid and the spontaneously scheduled class trip was canceled on September 4th.

due 🤷🏻‍♀️where of course the father does not have to pay anything.

Last contact with the child: 2017

- Fräulein Puschel 💕 at home 🏡 (@puschelizia) September 5, 2020

Further questions and answers about the Corona child bonus:

What if a child isn't born until December, for example?

Then there is also the

child bonus


Payment is also made if there is no longer any entitlement to

child benefit

in September

, for example because the child completed their education in July.

If you are not entitled to

child benefit

in September but for other months of 2020

, the bonus may be paid out later.

Can high-income parents also keep the bonus in full?


It is

offset against the child tax


as is the

child benefit


The higher the income, the less there is,

depending on the income level and family constellation


Eight out of ten eligible families should benefit fully - for example, a couple with three children with an annual income of up to around 67,800 euros.

If you have a higher income, there is less left over, from 106,000 euros nothing more.

In the case of married parents with one child, from an annual income of € 86,000, nothing remains of the bonus.


Hartz IV or on maintenance payments


child bonus

does not count, the payments continue to run normally.

Is there always 300 euros more left over for single parents?


The single parent who



child benefit also

receives the

child bonus


But if the other parent pays child support, they can deduct half of the bonus from it.

The Association of


Mothers and Fathers

criticizes that. Many single parents should have brought home office and homeschooling under one roof and were concerned about their existence, says chairwoman Daniela Jaspers.

"The child bonus is needed where the child has their center of life."

Is there any other criticism of the child bonus?



child bonus

is not very targeted and also benefits families who are not financially dependent on it", complains the family expert of the German Institute for Economic Research, Katharina Spieß.

For others it is not enough.

The billion sum for the bonus is only used once.

Is the child bonus actually a new idea?


Review of the

financial and economic crisis

more than ten years ago: On Sunday, January 4th, 2009, the SPD made a surprising push for a 40 billion euro stimulus package.

Frank-Walter Steinmeier, then Vice Chancellor and SPD candidate for chancellor, presented the plans to Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) one day before a top coalition meeting in the Chancellery.

Included in the plans: a

child bonus

of 200 euros.

With the initially skeptical Union, the SPD then agreed on 100 euros per child.

These were paid nationwide between April and June 2009. (FR / dpa)