The Limited Times

Forget Mykonos, this's how Omar Adam celebrates in Tel Aviv - Walla! Celebs

9/13/2020, 9:29:12 PM

He flew to refresh in Greece for a long time, contracted there in Corona and recovered - before returning to perform in his homeland. But apparently nothing makes Omar a good person at heart, like spending time with the guys in Tel Aviv. See for yourself. Walla! Cocorico Celebs

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  • Paparazzi

Forget Mykonos, this is how Omar Adam celebrates in Tel Aviv

He flew to refresh in Greece for a long time, contracted there in Corona and recovered - before returning to perform in his homeland.

But apparently nothing makes Omar a good person at heart, like spending time with the guys in Tel Aviv.

See for yourself.


Cocorico Celebs


  • Omer Adam


Celebs |

Photo: Nir Peking

Monday, 14 September 2020, 00:13

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Omar Adam spends time at a restaurant in Tel Aviv after returning from a stay in Greece (Nir Pekin)

Even if you are not a devout fan of the nightingale

Omar Adam

, you must have heard what he has been up to in recent months: a moment after celebrating with his partner's family (in a celebration that was considered a violation of the corona period regulations at the time) - Omar said goodbye to his girlfriend (as you first read in Walla! Celebs ), Flew to refresh himself all summer in Greece, where not only did he "do business", mind and sunbathe, but also contracted Corona and recovered, before returning recently to Israel, to perform for the first time in months in front of a local audience.

But no comeback would be complete without the thing a person most likes to do when he's not working, right?

So welcome him, celebrating in the big city, with all his friends.

Gossip about Omar Adam spending time on Instagram

Tel Aviv, my dear.

Omer Adam

Pan in the Holy Land too, right?

A 26-year-old man, caught by Walla!'S paparazzi photographer

Celebs enjoying an outdoor dinner at a well-known restaurant in central Tel Aviv - sitting at a central table and showing off a tan he caught on the Greek island of Mykonos, alongside some of his associates.

In between, he politely stood up to demand the safety of some of the people he knew and dined at the place at exactly those hours.

More on Walla!


Heart break?

Noam Bohdana responds to the separation from Omar Adam's brother.


To the full article

So what exactly is the problem?

During the outing, Adam caught the man with the camera out of place, apparently depreciated and liked the fact that he was being documented, so besides sneaking glances at the flashes, he asked to leave the place from his back exit.

The problem?

The place has no back exit, so Omar slipped away from it just as the paparazzi was standing with his back to the entrance.

Peace and shame.


Celebs do not slip away from restaurants, she is kicked out of there after she has finished tasting the entire menu.

Yes, it is he who is looking for the most effective way to hide

Fun in the company of Hebrew speakers.


How are you, brother?

Behind the railing.

Omar Adam spends time

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