The Limited Times

Meloni makes orecchiette in old Bari

9/13/2020, 11:55:48 AM

Ladies welcome you, 'hello Giorgetta' (ANSA)"Hello Giorgetta": this is how the leader of the Brothers of Italy was welcomed by the ladies of Bari vecchia who are teaching her how to make orecchiette.     "I'm terrible," says Meloni as he tries to shape the typical Bari pasta. Giorgia Meloni is in Bari for an electoral tour in support of Raffaele Fitto, the center-right candidate for the presidency of the Puglia Region. "Who would I offer t

"Hello Giorgetta": this is how the leader of the Brothers of Italy was welcomed by the ladies of Bari vecchia who are teaching her how to make orecchiette.

    "I'm terrible," says Meloni as he tries to shape the typical Bari pasta.

Giorgia Meloni is in Bari for an electoral tour in support of Raffaele Fitto, the center-right candidate for the presidency of the Puglia Region.

"Who would I offer them to? - he replies to those who ask him - To Michele Emiliano to console himself next Monday".

While making the orecchiette, the leader of FdI says "I'll stay here until I learn how to make them properly. For the moment I'm doing a cross between strascinato and gnocco". 

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