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Open polling stations for local elections in NRW - a record has already been broken - live ticker

9/13/2020, 5:29:00 AM

It is election day in NRW. In the 2020 local elections, the offices will be redistributed in the cities and municipalities. Here you can find the latest news.

It is election day in NRW.

In the 2020 local elections, the offices will be redistributed in the cities and municipalities.

Here you can find the latest news.

  • On September

    13, 2020

    , all of

    North Rhine-Westphalia will

    again be called to participate in the local election *.

  • Here in the


    ticker you can

    read all the latest news and voting results.

  • This leads directly to the results of the mayoral elections and results for the Ruhr Parliament.

Update from September 13th, 7:13 am:

Around 14 million citizens will vote on Sunday (September 13th) in the

local elections in North Rhine-Westphalia

about who should make the decisions in their places of residence in the next five years.

Be elected



Mayor (OB)


district administrators


town and city councils


county councils


district councils

in urban districts.

Integration councils are also elected.


NRW elections

are probably the last

major political mood test of 2020

in Germany.


polling stations

are open from 8 a.m.

Shortly before

election day, there was

shocking news

from a

district in Frechen

, which meant that the

2020 local elections

there had to be canceled at short notice.

A party candidate had died unexpectedly.

Local elections in NRW break a record before Sunday - live ticker

Update from September 12, 2020, 3:43 p.m.:

Even before election Sunday, it is clear that the

local elections in


Rhine-Westphalia will





As reported by the German Press Agency, there have been more

requests for postal votes

than any other election in North Rhine-Westphalia before.

According to this, up to a third of those eligible to vote in individual cities opted for postal voting.

In Düsseldorf, for example, it was almost 30 percent, which is roughly double the number of the last local election.

The high demand for postal votes also



for a higher



, said a spokesman for the Association of Towns and Municipalities.

However, this calculation does not necessarily have to work out.

No other elections will take place in parallel as in 2014, when the European Parliament was also elected.

There is also the fear of



Local election 2020 in NRW eagerly awaited

First report from September 12, 2020:

North Rhine-Westphalia - On September

13, 2020, the local elections * will take place in

North Rhine-Westphalia



All citizens entitled to vote decide when going to the ballot box not only about politics in the city or municipality for the next five years, but also about district administrators, district councils and sometimes also about the Ruhr parliament.

For the first time,

young people aged 16 and over are also

allowed to vote in the

local elections

this year in


- there are a few things to consider when filling out the ballot papers, especially for newcomers who have received a voting notification * for the first time.

Local elections 2020 in NRW: Mayor election, city council, district council and Ruhr parliament

In the

local elections

, the representatives of all cities, municipalities and districts, as well as district administrators, lord mayors and mayors are elected.

Eligible voters in the cities of

North Rhine-Westphalia

usually receive three

ballot papers

with which they


on the new mayor, the city council and the respective district representatives in their city.

Outside the independent cities, there are mayors, local councils, district councils and district administrators who are elected.

Be careful

when filling out the ballot papers


Only one cross may be placed on each paper

- otherwise the election is invalid and the vote is lost.

Information that could be important especially for those who are voting for the first time.

In addition to

lowering the voting age,

there is

another novelty,

especially in the

Ruhr area

: all citizens who are entitled to vote receive an

additional ballot paper

with which they can directly vote for the first time the parties in the Ruhr Parliament *.

This institution is unique in Germany because it only exists in the Ruhr area.

Here, too, it is important to ensure that

only one cross is allowed

on the

voting slip


Local elections in NRW: Election takes place despite Corona


local elections

are generally considered to be the most exciting, as they directly affect the voters themselves.

Will my favorite be the new


- or will there even be a

runoff election


How is my district administrator performing?

Will my list candidate make it to the

city ​​council


These are all questions of concern to voters.

Despite the continuation of the coronavirus pandemic until the local elections *, all those responsible are hoping for a brisk turnout - especially since voting can not only

be done

by letter

, but also in the

local polling stations

that all

safety and hygiene measures are

observed .

All over



the polling stations will

close on September 13th

at 6 p.m.

Only then do the election workers dedicate themselves to counting the votes that were cast either by postal vote * or on site.

When they have recorded all votes from all


, they can announce the results.

Normally this happens on the same evening, but the population is already asked

to excuse



that could result from the protective regulations in the coronavirus pandemic *.


results of the 2020 local elections in North Rhine-Westphalia should

then be completely clear by

Monday at the



Until then, there will be meaningful polls on local elections * for at least some cities.

NRW elects: Where is there a runoff election for the office of Lord Mayor?

The top priority when counting the votes in

local elections

is the

election of

the mayor *.

It is followed by the election results for the

city ​​council / municipal council

and the

city ​​districts


It is therefore very likely that by the evening of

election day it will

be clear whether the OB candidates in the respective cities have enough votes to hold the office directly, or whether a

runoff election has to

take place.

In some cities, such as in


, where two of the city's children are fighting for the office of Lord Mayor *, or in Cologne *, this could definitely be the case.


runoff election

will take place on

September 27th


In addition, it could be that on the evening of

September 13th,

not all results on the exact distribution of seats in the municipal parliaments are available - this information on the NRW election * will then be announced on the following day.

The current news about the 2020 local elections * are

eagerly awaited in many places




The idea of ​​Wahl-O-Mats *, which can help voters to make decisions, is certainly not new.

Among other things, the cities of Düsseldorf * and Bonn * have created assistance for their electoral communities with the "Düssel-O-Mat" and the "Bonn-O-Mat", which are specifically designed for their cities.

(cos) *,, and are part of the Ippen-Digital network.

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