The Limited Times

Serena Rossi, success? I take nothing for granted

9/13/2020, 1:08:23 PM

He is among the interpreters of the closing film of the Venice Film Festival, Let me go by Stefano Mordini, a psychological thriller with Valeria Golino, Stefano Accorsi and Maya Sansa, and has renewed the partnership with the Manetti brothers (After Song 'and Napu. .. (ANSA)

(ANSA) - ROME, SEPTEMBER 13 - He is among the interpreters of the closing film of the Venice Film Festival, Let me go by Stefano Mordini, a psychological thriller with Valeria Golino, Stefano Accorsi and Maya Sansa, and has renewed the partnership with ifratelli Manetti ( After Song 'e Napule and Ammore e underworld) with the highly anticipated Diabolik.

Serena Rossi, who returned to the Giffoni Film Festival last week to meet the boys, will also be on Rai1 in the new season, with the series MinaSettembre, whose shooting resumed in July after the months of stops for the lockdown.

She plays a social worker, always ready to take charge of many cases in the counseling center where she works, in the Rione Sanità of Naples.

A role "in which all my Neapolitan spirit is out" says the actress and singer, born in 1985, who in recent years has never stopped, conquering audiences and critics in theater, cinema and TV.

    The new project for the RAI flagship, directed by TizianaAristarco, born from 'Twelve roses in September' by MaurizioGiovanni, has in the cast, among others, also Giuseppe Zeno and Giorgio Pasotti.

"I have lived in Rome for 11 years - he says - and I had always happened to return to Naples only for short periods.

   Now that I have been there for quite a few months I have returned to the mieradici, this set somehow made me reconcile with the my city".

In set companions that he considers masters, such as Marina Confalone and Nando Paone, he sees "rigor, preparation, study, unrivaled generosity, immense respect for the profession and for all the figures who work on the set".

The same values ​​received by his family: "From my grandfather I learned respect for work, thrift, respect for nature, for others and for food. The last thing he said to me before he died was' The your integrity comes first. 'I have come to this point on my own, I don't want anyone to give me anything, nor take anything for granted. "

   A philosophy that in the months of the lockdown Serena Rossi has made available, as co-creator with her partner Davide Devenut of the online charity project, a digital platform for the purchase, sale and donation of basic necessities.