The Limited Times

Shooting in the Lecco area, who died 47 years old

9/13/2020, 3:22:48 PM

The 47-year-old, Salvatore De Fazio, originally from Belcastro (Catanzaro) and resident in the Lecco area, died in the shooting at 13.30 in via Albegno, Santa Maria di Olginate (Lecco). (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - OLGINATE (LECCO), SEPTEMBER 13 - The 47-year-old Salvatore De Fazio, originally from Belcastro (Catanzaro) and residing in the Lecco area, died in the shooting that took place at 1.30pm in via Albegno, Santa Maria di Olginate (Lecco) ).

   The attempts to revive him by the doctors of 118 were in vain, the 47-year-old died as soon as he arrived at the Manzonidi Lecco hospital. He leaves behind his wife and three children.

   His brother Alfredo, who was with him, is hospitalized, also at the Manzoni, for injuries sustained during the shooting.

    The search for the man who shot the two De Fazio brothers is still ongoing. (HANDLE).