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#MeToo in bookstores: the shocks of the literary season

9/14/2020, 12:52:55 PM

While “the Consent”, by Vanessa Springora is translated in many countries, Loulou Robert, Lola Lafon, Nicolas Rodier and Isabelle C

“Yesterday, the Adèle Haenel affair made the headlines.

Yesterday Vanessa Springora wrote

the Consent


Yesterday, Polanski won the César for best director.

Yesterday hatred on social networks.

Violence, you have to choose your side.

"Thus begins" Gray Zone ", the new novel by model Loulou Robert.

This year even more than the previous two, #MeToo was invited to the literary season.

Marked and carried by the Matzneff affair and the success of Vanessa Springora's “Consent”, this movement never ceases to shake the literary community.

And the book will never have testified so much to violence against women.

Of their suffering.

After speaking, writing frees itself.


#MeToo in bookstores: "Le Consentement" sets out to conquer the world

Behind these fictions, a trauma, an injury but also a fight and sometimes a hope.

A reflection of our society, the novel becomes the spokesperson for a generation of writers, young and old, determined to whistle the last word.

The end of an era dominated by men in which moral or sexual harassment too often goes unpunished.

Even if a novel is not there to distribute good points and to trace a savoir-vivre.

Domestic violence is at the heart of "Sale bourge", by Nicolas Rodier.

Flammarion / Astrid di Crollalanza  

This theme, brilliantly illustrated by Lola Lafon in "Chavirer" and Isabelle Carré with "Du cote des Indiens", is not reserved for the fairer sex alone.

Coming from the Versailles bourgeoisie, Nicolas Rodier tells us in “Sale bourge”, a very powerful novel, the life of Pierre.

A young dynamic executive who has just spent a day in police custody after his very young wife filed a complaint against him for domestic violence.

"The heroine is Maud," confides the author, "it is she who had the courage to file a complaint, this gesture is still so taboo".

Even though Nicolas Rodier had long wanted and needed to write on this subject, he recognizes that #MeToo has been an accelerator: “After 2000 years of male domination and in all social classes, women must denounce their attackers.

And that requires crazy courage from them.


"The theme will inspire neo-novelists"

From Nancy (Meurthe-et-Moselle), where she chairs the 42nd edition of the Livre sur la Place, Leïla Slimani, 2016 Goncourt Prize with “Sweet Song”, insists on the capacity of literature to clear up “the complexity” of things.

"What does it mean to say yes when you want to say no?"

This kind of question requires time, material, precision to be told as it is experienced.

There is a more carnal, more intimate, inside way of doing it.

If we write about it, it is essential because we put words into what society urges us to keep quiet.

Even if it is wrong to say that it did not exist before - Balzac, for example, was interested in the idea of ​​marital rape in

the Physiology of marriage

- today the sounding board is also much more important and the voice of women has also become so.


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"After years of lead, this violence is no longer acceptable and writing allows to go through the meanders of these traumas," adds Alix Penent, editor at Flammarion.

The theme will inspire neo-romancers and I think I will receive a lot of stories on the subject.
