The Limited Times

Christoph Metzelder: child pornography allegations - confession during the investigation

9/14/2020, 2:58:55 PM

The former professional soccer player Christoph Metzelder is said to have owned child pornography and sent three women. Now it is clear from a court order that he got involved in the allegations.

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Christoph Metzelder (archive picture): The public prosecutor has brought charges

Photo: Alex Gottschalk / / imago images / DeFodi

Christoph Metzelder has made a confession in the investigation into child pornography allegations.

This emerges from a decision by the Düsseldorf Administrative Court.

This is dealing with the case because Metzelder is taking action against a press release from the Düsseldorf District Court in which the prosecution's indictment against the former professional footballer was communicated.

The investigators accuse Metzelder of having owned 297 files with child and youth pornographic content.

He is also said to have sent 29 corresponding image and video files via WhatsApp to three women between July and September last year.  

The decision of the administrative court does not state whether he admitted all of the alleged acts or only parts of them.

Neither the public prosecutor nor the local court explained what Metzelder's confession included at the request of SPIEGEL.

His lawyers left a request unanswered.

With an urgent application before the administrative court, Metzelder wanted the Düsseldorf District Court to be prohibited from giving the press information about his criminal proceedings - neither verbally nor in a press release.

But the responsible chamber decided differently, according to a message.

One had to weigh up between the freedom of information of the press and Metzelder's personal protection.

In this case, the public interest deserves priority over the private one. 

Metzelder is a "former professional footballer and national player known to the general public".

Even after the end of his professional career, he remained present.

The court names, among other things, the establishment of an agency for sports marketing or Metzelder's training as a football coach. 

In addition, his level of awareness is high because of his social commitment: Metzelder was, for example, the ambassador for the 2006 World Cup for people with disabilities and has set up a foundation with which he supports children and young people.

"High Moral Integrity"

His engagement speaks in the public perception for a "high moral integrity of his person".

The decision goes on to say: "Over many years he himself created the impression of a responsible person accompanying and supporting young people."

This is offset by the accusations that have now been accused, which are "of some weight" and "clearly stand out from ordinary crime".

These are undoubtedly crimes that particularly affected the public.

In addition, the press release does not contain "unobjective wording" nor does it represent an "inadmissible preliminary conviction".

Metzelder can appeal against the decision to the Higher Administrative Court.

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