The Limited Times

Death penalty: a majority of French people in favor of its recovery

9/14/2020, 6:01:49 PM

For 55% of participants in a survey commissioned by Ipsos for Le Monde, “the death penalty should be restored in France”. A record for

This is a record for this study * carried out every year for eight years for the daily Le Monde, the Jean Jaurès Foundation, and the Montaigne Institute.

According to her, some 55% of French people (up 11 points since 2019) thus affirm that "the death penalty should be reinstated in France".

The people questioned by Ipsos / Sopra Steria in this study, the results of which were published on Monday, are therefore mostly in favor of reinstating the death penalty, abolished in 1981 in the country, under the leadership of Robert Badinter.

But the subject remains "very divisive politically", according to the study, since only RN (85%) and LR (71%, + 23 points) sympathizers mostly agree with this statement, approved by a minority (39%) in the other parties.

The poll also notes a very strong increase (+ 31 points over one year) of supporters of the death penalty at LFI and the PCF.


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The workers (68%), employees (60%) and retirees (55%) mostly approve the reinstatement of the death penalty, against 41% of managers and 40% of intermediate professions.

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Around 82% of French people also believe, in this study, that "we need a real leader in France to restore order" in the country, ie 3 points more than last year.

However, the French were more numerous in previous years to express this wish, with the exception of 2019 (79%).

This statement is acclaimed by supporters of the Republicans and the National Rally (97% each, + 9 points at LR) but also by those of La France Insoumise and the Communist Party (80%, + 33 points).


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The French are also 88% (+ 5 points versus 2019), a record there too, to consider that "authority is a value which is too often criticized today".

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* Survey conducted from September 1 to 3 among 1,030 people aged 18 and over, using the quota method.