The Limited Times

Giovanni Gastel, from Obama to Fiorello, here is The People I like

9/14/2020, 1:29:06 PM

"I met Barack Obama at a cocktail party. I asked him: why did the United States elect this president after you? And he burst out with laughter you see in the photo. Almost liberating. (ANSA)

(ANSA) - ROME, SEPTEMBER 14 - "I met Barack Obama in a cocktail. I asked him: why did the United States elect this president after her? And he broke out in the laugh you see in the picture. Almost liberating. said his staff, there is the whole story of the black people. "

And then StefanoBolle, in tights, for once sitting in the stalls.

"Bolle too easy to portray him on stage, as the great star he is, handsome and splendid. I was more interested in his soul, the thoughtful and thoughtful man, perhaps even tired. Even if he never wants to show it".

And again Fiorello, Zucchero, Franco MariaRicci, Germano Celant, Monica Bellucci, Marco Pannella, TizianoFerro, Vasco Rossi or Bebe Vio, to whom he said: "You don't seimenomata, you're a super hero. Tell us what we will be in 100-200 years" .

Thus Giovanni Gastel, the master of photography, always disputed by the highest fashion magazines (and not only), famous for his still life, debuts at the Maxxi Museum in Rome until November 22 with the "first organic exhibition of portraits of my life".

A gallery, almost a labyrinth, of over 200 faces, where black and white triumphs, curated by Uberto Frigerio with an installation by Lissoni Associati, entitled, not surprisingly, "The people I like", the people I like.

"We have courted him for a long time. For the Maxxi - explains the president Giovanna Melandri - this is the most important part of the restart".

   A great author album that collects models, actresses, artists, VIPs, politicians, intellectuals, designers, chefs, even the family dog ​​in the Galleria dei colli alti neri, telling not only art, but the world of Gastel.

"Every shot - he says - is a moment in which I cross the 'wall' and 'read' who I am in front of. They are all people who have passed on something to me, taught me, touched my soul. A 'family' of respectable people, as mine said father. And today the world needs good people. "