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Isolated on holiday? These are the laws you must follow even at home Israel today

9/14/2020, 6:35:01 PM

Even though you are stuck at home, there are laws you must follow • Rabbi Neria makes order | synagogue

Even though you are stuck at home, there are laws you must follow • From lighting a soul candle, through prayer and informing us to the right way to hear shofar blasts • Rabbi Neria makes order

  • Children eat an apple with honey (Archive photo)


    Yehuda Peretz

Before the holiday

A candle that has been lit for more than 24 hours must be prepared in advance, a cycle of prayers and a new garment or fruit for the blessing of our lives.

Contact a rabbi in your area to make sure someone comes on the second day to blow the shofar for you.

Saturday night and holiday

Arabic at home - it is possible and worthwhile to say the chapter in the Psalms "To David a psalm to the Lord, the land and its fullness."

Kiddush on Saturday night and holiday, from the cycle.

The signs to be done after the Kiddush and the blessing of the giver.

The most important thing to remember is not to get angry or upset, anger is a worse sign than all the good signs.

At the end, when you are isolated, you are fulfilling the commandment to keep the soul.

In the blessing of food, one must add "wanted and rescued" and "will come and go."

Eat the signs also in isolation // Photo: Oren Ben Hakon

Saturday morning

In the morning prayer, it is worth reading the recitation of the parsha from the Chumash or the Chachor.

Do not pray in an additional unit before 8:50 in the morning because it is a time of validity of the law and who will be justified in its law.

Kiddush and a holiday meal as usual.

Although Rosh Hashanah is Judgment Day, we rejoice in the Queen of God and eat and drink, but not too much.

Although it is written in the Sages that whoever sleeps on Rosh Hashanah, the luck of sleeping, but does not mean the sick but the idlers. If you are sick, there is no prohibition against sleeping.

You should take advantage of the time during the holiday.

Israel used to recite Psalms.

It is permissible to offer a mincha from 13:10

Although it is also Rosh Hashanah, the first day is still Shabbat, so remember to eat a third meal as well.

Monday evening of Rosh Hashanah

Around 19:20 (depending on the specific city) Shabbat begins and the new Yom Tov begins on Rosh Hashanah.

It is necessary to say, "Blessed is he who distinguishes between the holy and the holy," to transfer fire from the lighted candle to the candles of Yom Tov and to prepare and heat the needs of the meal.

In the evening prayer, attention should be paid to the additions of Shabbat evening, including the "Let us know" prayer.

After the prayer and before the meal, both Kiddush and Havdalah should be performed, because the sanctity of Shabbat is more severe than the sanctity of Yom Tov.

This order is called Yiknaz (wine, kiddush, candle, havdalah, time - that we lived). The kiddush should be said to say out of cycle.

It is customary to make "signs" on the second day as well.

Monday morning of Rosh Hashanah

The whole prayer should be prayed including the supplement.

It is important to remember - even those who are the champion of the blasts do not poke themselves while praying Musaf in private because this regulation is only in public.

You will hear the shofar blasts when they come to blow you out of the window or the stairwell.

The blessings on the mitzvah should be heard or greeted before the blasts.

Do not blow the shofar for yourself // Photo: Oren Ben Hakon

Although in Halacha it is written not to eat before blasts, but in the case of an isolated person who does not know exactly when they will be stabbed, it is possible to lighten and eat.

Presiding prayer as yesterday.

They used to make a dump that most of all expressed our inner desire to open a smooth and clean new page.

There is no need and possibility to go to the spring and if there is a tap in the room it is excellent.

Let the heat flow a little, if not put a little water in the vessel and after making a discard you pour them out.

At about 19:20 the holiday starts.

Pray and perform a havdalah.

Important emphasis

Do not feel that if you are not in a synagogue you are far from Gd God and peace. Gd is close to the brokenhearted. And Gd is close to all his readers to all who will truly call him.

And may we all have a year of redemption and salvation.

Rabbi Yitzchak Neria is the head of the "Torah in Zion" yeshiva and chairman of the "One to One" organization