The Limited Times

Lang Lang: "Bach's music can console us collectively"

9/14/2020, 5:25:55 PM

INTERVIEW - While waiting to return to international stages, the globe-trotting pianist continues to see his art as an expression of globalization. He took advantage of the crisis to study the baroque and new pieces.

Inside the cover that accompanies his new recording, a festival of photos, each more wacky than the next.

Lang Lang sitting or lying on the lid of his piano.

Lang Lang hands raised to the sky.

Lying on the floor in the middle of a pile of music papers.

Falsely asleep in an armchair, with a sheet music as a headgear… But appearances are sometimes deceptive.

Away from the spotlight, it's a completely different artist who answered our questions from Beijing last week.



Far from the hustle and bustle of its beginnings.

Annoying - the fact is rare enough for him to be noted - the limits of technology.

He will also prefer to finish the interview by phone rather than persevere on the capricious video screen.

"Like the good old times."

Confessions of a child of the century on the path to wisdom, and who did not hesitate to take his audience and his career backwards to deliver HIS recording of the mythical


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