The Limited Times

Local elections NRW 2020: The results of all mayoral elections in the interactive map

9/14/2020, 1:38:35 PM

All results from the almost 400 cities and municipalities: For the mayoral elections in North Rhine-Westphalia you will find the data here on an interactive map.

All results from the almost 400 cities and municipalities: For the mayoral elections in North Rhine-Westphalia you will find the data here on an interactive map.

  • Up-to-date today: The results of the almost 400

    mayoral elections

    in the 2020 local elections in North Rhine-Westphalia *.

  • Election results

    : Early Monday morning around 2 a.m., the last of the 400 or so parishes were counted.

  • In our

    interactive voting cards

    you can call up the results of 2020 - and all the victorious candidates of the last NRW elections.

In the

local elections in North Rhine-Westphalia

on Sunday, the mayors were elected in most of the 396 cities and municipalities.

In this article you will find all the final results of the mayoral elections in NRW and the results of the runoff elections shortly after their respective announcement on site.

Some communities counted into the night, with Aachen and Düsseldorf the very last results were available around 2 a.m.

Mayoral elections 2020 in North Rhine-Westphalia: All results in our interactive map

Click through the map - you will find the results of the mayoral election for each municipality.

In order to supply you as quickly and comprehensively as possible, we have automatically recorded the data in a complex process.

In individual cases, municipalities generally did not publish their election results electronically;

in these cases we researched them ourselves.

You can find more information on our general voting procedure in this data transparency article.

Results of the mayoral elections in NRW 2020: This is how the interactive voting card works

As soon as the final result in the respective municipality was determined, the

corresponding area was


on the map


The color depends on the party to which the respective winner belongs.

Every party that received at least 0.5 percent of the vote in the 2019 European elections in North Rhine-Westphalia is provided with the usual color or one based on the party logo.

All other lists and parties are uniformly colored pink.

Municipalities in which a runoff election is required after the first ballot appear dark gray.

On the interactive map above you can click and see the results of the mayoral elections for each municipality in North Rhine-Westphalia.

You can use the zoom function at the top right to change the map section as you wish.

You can activate the function either via the plus and minus buttons on the map, or you can hold down the CTRL key and use the mouse wheel.

On smartphones or tablets, you simply operate the zoom as usual with two fingers.

The mayoral election is a majority vote.

A candidate needs more than half the vote to win the election.

In municipalities in which no candidate meets this criterion, a

runoff election

will take place

two weeks later, on September 27, on a second election date *


The two candidates who previously received the most votes are then available for election.

At the same time, the district council, district council, municipal council and Ruhr parliament elections will take place on Sunday.

Mayoral elections: In 2020 there will be runoff elections again after a court ruling in NRW

In the last mayor elections in 2014 and 2015, the trend towards ever lower

voter turnout

continued and reached an

all-time low


If the turnout in 2014 was around 50 percent, this figure fell further in 2015 to 40.9 percent.

The city of


was at the


when the runoff election only attracted 27.7 percent of the voters to the polls.

For the local elections in 2020, the black and yellow state government had abolished the concept of the runoff election for various reasons.

But after a complaint by the


and the


the constitutional court revised the decision - and so there will be runoff elections again this year.

Reker is running again in Cologne - exciting duels were also expected in other cities

The independent mayor of Cologne *,

Henriette Reker

, ran again this year with the support of the


and the



In 2015, she was attacked at an information booth the day before the election.

She and one other person were seriously injured with a knife, but both survived.

Reker won the election and was thus elected Cologne's first female mayor.

As their biggest challenger in the OB-election in Cologne * was

Andreas Kossiski

of the



Other open duels were in Dortmund *,

Dusseldorf *, Bonn * and Oberhausen expected.

In a survey on local elections in North Rhine-Westphalia * from May 2020, none of the candidates in Dortmund currently received a majority.

By Luisa Billmayer, Selin Hubert, Danijel Komljenovi


and Philipp David Pries.

* is part of the Ippen-Digital network

List of rubric lists: © Pries / Litzka

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