The Limited Times

Scala appeal to politics, theaters serve the public

9/14/2020, 7:31:55 PM

"We need our audience and we hope that politics will soon give us the possibility of having a larger capacity": it is a heartfelt appeal that launched this evening by Dominique Meyer, superintendent of La Scala, from the stage of the theater before ... ( HANDLE)

(ANSA) - MILAN, 14 SEPTEMBER - "We need our audience and we hope that politics will soon give us the possibility of having a larger capacity": it is a heartfelt appeal that launched this evening by Dominique Meyer, superintendent of La Scala, from the stage of the theater before beginning of Beethoven's Ninth in the first concert open to the public (the first performance on Saturday last was reserved for health professionals). "The theaters - he added - are safe places because we have prepared everything, the public is polite. You all come with a mask with a discipline that cannot be found on the subway, on airplanes, in bars and discos. We hope that by making this effort, which is not easy for nothing, we are preparing a future for the lyric art, for the opera, for the concerts and especially for our Scala. Thank you ". (HANDLE).