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The Chief of Staff has ordered the purchase of flu vaccines for all soldiers, but the IDF does not meet the target - Walla! news

9/14/2020, 6:53:01 PM

Fearing an increase in morbidity rates this coming winter, the chief of staff decided that all soldiers would be vaccinated before the start of winter, although on weekdays he buys vaccines for only a quarter of them. However, high demand for vaccines around the world has changed plans. Health Serving "

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  • Army and Security

The chief of staff ordered the purchase of flu vaccines for all the soldiers, but the IDF did not meet the target

Fearing an increase in morbidity rates this coming winter, the chief of staff decided that all soldiers would be vaccinated before the start of winter, although on weekdays he buys vaccines for only a quarter of them. However, high demand for vaccines around the world has changed plans. Health Serving "


  • the flu

  • IDF

  • Corona virus

  • Kochavi Spring

Amir Bohbot

Monday, 14 September 2020, 21:41

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The IDF does not meet the flu vaccine target set by Major General Aviv Kochavi, a military source said tonight (Monday). Although the chief of staff ordered a procurement that will allow vaccinations for all IDF soldiers, due to the high global demand for vaccines for the coming winter, the required amount It will not arrive until the beginning of winter.

At the end of July this year, Kochavi instructed the Technology and Logistics Division to make a rapid purchase of flu vaccines for all IDF soldiers, against the background of the high morbidity in Corona in the second wave, from which the army was surprised.

This directive was obtained after assessing the situation at the General Staff, during which medical professionals clarified that a third wave that may erupt in winter may cause much higher morbidity than the first and second wave due to weather effects, the different types of flu expected and accompanying symptoms.

According to a military professional, "the chief of staff's decision was based on the working assumption that IDF flu patients can create a bottleneck on the military and public medical system, and to prevent the high morbidity it is advisable to vaccinate against influenza as early as winter."

To this end, the IDF and the Ministry of Defense have approached the main suppliers, with whom they have signed contracts for the supply of vaccines, to purchase vaccines for all IDF servicemen, in contrast to previous years in which vaccines were purchased for only a quarter of them.

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The IDF will not get all the vaccines before the start of winter. Soldiers (Photo: Nati Shochat, Flash 90)

However, the messages from the big companies were negative, as there is a high demand from many countries for vaccines for similar reasons.

According to a military source who is familiar with the details of the process, "the IDF ordered the fixed amount of vaccinations as every year (vaccinations for a quarter of the soldiers - AB) and at the same time sought to exercise the purchase options to which it is valid under the old contracts." To try to purchase the other vaccines from other companies. "

Walla! NEWS also learned that the IDF also competes with the various health funds in Israel for the vaccines, which are also struggling to obtain vaccines, against similar suppliers.

It should be noted that after Rosh Hashanah, both the IDF and the HMOs are expected to start vaccinating against influenza.

"Currently, the IDF does not meet the target set for it by the chief of staff," the source said. " And even if he gets the rest of the vaccines by the end of November, it will take time to vaccinate the soldiers.

It's a long process.

Therefore, in the first phase, the army is preparing to vaccinate the older permanent servicemen and soldiers at risk with background illnesses, and only then the rest of the soldiers, if the other vaccines arrive. "

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Vaccines against influenza and curfew: The IDF is preparing for the outbreak of corona in the winter

To the full article

The IDF is also concerned about the proximity of the temporary reservists and regular soldiers in training exercises, in addition to those who enlist in the service oak Home Front Command headquarters as part of the array amputation chains of contagion.

A healthcare IDF explained that the army intensify enforcement of guidelines and restrictions to curb the spread of sources, including the wearing of masks, maintaining On hygiene, prevention of ceremonies and mass events and adherence to capsules.

The IDF spokesman said that "Towards the coming winter, the Chief of Staff has instructed to prepare for a comprehensive vaccination of military servants.

In order to meet the target, procurement agreements were signed by the IDF in cooperation with the Ministry of Defense and Health on a larger scale than in previous years in order to meet the Chief of Staff's directive.

"The IDF sees great importance in maintaining the health of its servants, and in this spirit the medical corps operates throughout the year. The corps will conduct an extensive information campaign that will be integrated into the national effort alongside focused work to reduce morbidity in the army."

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