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The closure will be discussed in the Knesset - just a day before it takes effect: "Public trust will be eroded" - Walla! news

9/14/2020, 6:23:07 PM

Ministers have agreed to impose the restrictions for three weeks, and according to legal sources the drafting work on the regulations will continue at least until Wednesday. Meaning - the Knesset will have one day to cancel or reduce the closure in advance. MKs appealed to the ombudsman to bring the regulations to the Knesset for approval soon

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The closure will be discussed in the Knesset - just a day before it takes effect: "Public trust will be eroded"

Ministers have agreed to impose the restrictions for three weeks, and according to legal sources the drafting work on the regulations will continue at least until Wednesday.

Meaning - the Knesset will have one day to cancel or reduce the closure in advance.

MKs appealed to the ombudsman to bring the regulations to the Knesset for approval soon

Yaki Adamkar

Monday, 14 September 2020, 21:13

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In the video: The Prime Minister's statement on the closure during the holidays (Photo: GPO)

The government has approved a plan for a closure that will begin on Friday for three weeks, but has not yet drafted regulations that will enforce it - and the Knesset will have almost no time left to monitor them.

According to legal sources, the government approved the closure yesterday (Sunday), but drafting work on the regulations will continue at least until Wednesday.

This means that the Knesset, whose job it is to oversee the decision, will have only one day to revoke or reduce the regulations of the closure in advance.

Following this, criticism arose from Knesset members.

MKs Karin Elharar (Yesh Atid) Eli Avidar (Yisrael Beiteinu) Yoav Saglovich (Yesh Atid) and Osama Saadi (joint list) today appealed to Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit demanding that the regulations be approved by the Knesset soon so that the Constitution, Law and Justice Committee "supervises Proper parliamentary. "

Read more about the closure

  • During the closure: Ben Gurion Airport will remain open, train traffic will be stopped on weekends

  • The Treasury estimates: The cost of the closure is NIS 6.5 billion

  • The world was preparing for the second wave of the corona.

    In Israel, they chose to return to the closure

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Closure in Kiryat Malachi, July (Photo: Niv Aharonson)

According to the MKs, "Due to the short time frame, and especially due to the crucial importance and the economic, health and social implications inherent in imposing a closure, the existence of an in-depth discussion in the committee becomes even more valid." They claim, "There are no issues for the committee discussion. The planned closure - which lasts at least three weeks, and the day before leaving for the holiday.

It will also be clarified that if the regulations are required to be changed retrospectively, due to the delay in bringing them before the committee, public confidence will be completely eroded. "The

MKs request that the regulations be brought to the Knesset tomorrow so the committee can convene no later than Wednesday. Imposition of the closure.

MKs demand that he bring the regulations to the Knesset for approval as soon as possible. Mandelblit (Photo: Olivia Fitoussi, Flash 90)

Under the Corona Greater Law, regulations that the government may be allowed to enact to impose a closure will require prior approval by the Constitution Committee;

If the committee has not made a decision within 24 hours of receiving the government request, the regulations will enter into force and it may approve or reject them, within a period of one or two weeks, depending on the type of restrictions;

If the committee has not made a decision, regulations will be submitted for approval by the Knesset plenum.

More on Walla!


The government is promoting a law that will reduce the Knesset's oversight of corona restrictions

To the full article

MK Elharar added that "it is inconceivable that due to the delay in drafting regulations in the government, the Constitution Committee will not have time to discuss them before the closure takes effect on the eve of the holiday.

These are complex regulations that severely infringe on the right of movement, property and other basic rights and should be given sufficient time for an in-depth discussion. "She added that" if the regulations come up for discussion only on Wednesday evening or God forbid on Thursday morning, it will be very difficult for committee members to In their capacity as supervisors of government work. "

Outline of the closure approved by the government

The closure will begin on New Year's Eve, September 18 at 2:00 p.m., and will last until October 11 at least.

The ministers also decided that the education system will be closed from next Friday, with the exception of special education, youth villages, and institutions for children and youth at risk.

During this period, the movement of people to a distance of more than 500 meters from the place of residence will be prohibited.

This, except in cases of stocking up on food or medical needs.

A gathering of more than 20 people in open areas, and more than ten in a closed building, will also be banned.

Sports activities will also be allowed for individuals.

List of restrictions during the closure period

  • The first stage:

    September 18 to October 11

  • Leaving the house for up to 500 meters

  • Closing the education system for 3 weeks

  • Prohibition of gatherings of more than 20 people in an open space, and 10 in a closed space

  • Essential businesses, including supermarkets and pharmacies, will continue to operate

  • The private sector will operate in accordance with the purple mark, except for tourism, commerce and public reception

  • Restaurants will only be able to operate a delivery service

  • The public sector will operate on a limited basis

  • Sports activities for individuals will be possible

  • Second stage:

    from October 11 (or later, depending on the illness)

  • Various restrictions on localities throughout the country, depending on the classification according to the traffic light plan

According to the government's decision, all businesses will be closed to the public in the areas of commerce, culture, recreation and leisure and domestic tourism.

In addition, the swimming pools, gyms and restaurants, which will be allowed to operate a delivery service, will also be closed.

Also, businesses that have been defined as essential will remain open, as well as supermarkets, pharmacies, opticians, or stores selling hygiene products, home maintenance products, communication products, and medical accessories.

At the same time, businesses in the private sector will operate according to the outline of the purple character, and without a limit on the number of employees.

The public sector will also continue its activities, in accordance with the outline that Finance Minister Israel Katz will bring to the approval of the Corona Cabinet.

The Chief Economist Division estimates that the economic cost of the closure measures will be about NIS 6.5 billion.

However, it is estimated that the cost of these measures is about NIS 8 billion lower than the cost of a closure for that period, in the format discussed in the cabinet last weekend.

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