The Limited Times

The Venezuelan judiciary accuses an American spy of terrorism and arms smuggling

9/14/2020, 11:34:55 PM

Caracas-SANA The Venezuelan judiciary has charged an American spy with terrorism and arms smuggling who was arrested last week


The Venezuelan judiciary charged an American spy with terrorism and arms smuggling who was arrested last week after it was found that he had spied on oil installations in Venezuela.

Yesterday, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro revealed that the authorities thwarted a sabotage scheme in the "Palito" oil refinery and arrested an American armed spy who was spying on the country's two largest refineries, "Amway" and "Cardon".

Russia today quoted Venezuelan Attorney General Tariq Saab as saying today that the American spy Matthew John Heath, who was arrested last week, was planning attacks against oil and electric power facilities in Venezuela.

He added that the American spy, who was proven to be working for the CIA, did not carry a passport and entered the country illegally from neighboring Colombia.

He indicated that 3 Venezuelan citizens, including one soldier, were arrested and charged with high treason for their participation in conspiring with the American.

The Cardon refinery, with a capacity of 305,000 barrels per day, is part of the Paraguan Oil Refining Center, the largest in the country and the second largest in the world, with a declared refining capacity of one million barrels per day, equivalent to 72 percent of the processing capacity of the Venezuelan National Oil Company.

Last July, Maduro called on the governments of the United States, Mexico and Colombia to provide explanations about their involvement in a plot by the US Central Intelligence Agency, "CIA" against his country.

Venezuela is exposed to US attempts to interfere in its internal affairs and destabilize it by tightening economic and financial sanctions and supporting right-wing forces to revive their plans to dominate this country that has huge oil wealth and to turn against the legitimate president by using all means, including violence and chaos.