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These five characteristics are supposed to indicate special intelligence - do you find yourself again?

9/14/2020, 2:43:55 PM

Typical behaviors are said to be able to tell whether someone is particularly intelligent. What researchers and psychologists say about these five properties.

Typical behaviors are said to be able to tell whether someone is particularly intelligent.

What researchers and psychologists say about these five properties.


has many facets.

According to



it can be determined

, for example, with the help of

IQ tests


Others, on the other hand, prefer to refer to the personality that plays an important role.

Some scientists suspect that two relevant properties * in particular can provide an indication of intelligence.

Of course, emotional intelligence is also in great demand, especially in professional life.

In addition, there are a number of other typical



behaviors that

scientists and psychologists suggest that someone is particularly intelligent.

Here are five more prominent examples


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Five behaviors that are said to indicate intelligence

  • Flexibility:

    Many researchers are convinced that it is easier for intelligent people to quickly put themselves in new situations and in the shoes of other people.

    Intelligent people find it easier to adapt to the circumstances and to adapt to changes more easily.

    This characteristic is particularly helpful in the job.

  • Self-assessment

    : A study by David Dunning and Justin Kruger (“Dunning-Kruger Effect”) showed that intelligent people find it easier to make realistic self-assessments than other people.

    In the study series, for example, students had to take logic and grammar tests.

    The participants were then asked to assess how well they did in comparison to other participants.

    The result: People with little knowledge in particular would often overshadow their own abilities - smart people would instead admit it if they didn't know something.

    For further reading

    : Psychologist: This is why incompetent men end up in management positions

  • Open-mindedness:

    Psychologists also assume that smart people find it easier to question, classify and, if necessary, tolerate the opinions and views of other people.

    So that too could be a property that suggests intelligence.

    Which does not mean that an intelligent person does not (continue to) express his own opinion.

    As is well known, smart people check the facts first.

  • Curiosity

    : According to a report by Business Insider, researchers have also examined the relationship between child intelligence and curiosity - and observed the consequences of this in adulthood.

    “For this purpose, intelligence tests were carried out on thousands of 11-year-old subjects who were born in the 1950s.

    When they turned 50, the researchers examined how open the test subjects were to new experiences. "The result was:" People who had a higher IQ at the age of eleven were more curious at the age of 50. "

  • Early joy in reading

    : According to this, some researchers assume that reading at an early age can increase intelligence.

    Conversely, if you started reading early as a child, you could still benefit from it as an adult.

    Regardless of whether you believe the studies or not, it certainly didn't hurt.

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