The Limited Times

Tweet Academy of Life with black Jesus, the controversy breaks out

9/14/2020, 5:52:49 PM

An initiative that has collected hundreds of likes and retweets but also vitriolic comments (ANSA) A message against any kind of racism comes from the Pontifical Academy for Life which tweeted a photomontage of Michelangelo's Pietà with Jesus painted in black. An initiative that has collected hundreds of likes and retweets but also vitriolic comments.     "An image that is worth a speech": this is the phrase with which Pav decided to own the image. From 'Novus Ordo Watch' to 'Church militant'

 A message against any kind of racism comes from the Pontifical Academy for Life which tweeted a photomontage of Michelangelo's Pietà with Jesus painted in black.

An initiative that has collected hundreds of likes and retweets but also vitriolic comments.

    "An image that is worth a speech": this is the phrase with which Pav decided to own the image.

From 'Novus Ordo Watch' to 'Church militant' there are several conservative Catholic sites, especially Americans, who have criticized the initiative, comparing it to the 'black lives matter' movement, but the harshest comments arrive at the bottom of the tweet itself.

"Don't touch Michelangelo", "Vade Retro", are some of the lapidary comments, mostly anonymous.

Someone remembers Laszlo Toth, the Hungarian who scarred the Pietà in 1972, and comments: "he did less damage".

    The Pontifical Academy replies to the controversy: "There is no type of connection with the 'black lives matter' movement, it is a politicized manipulation, that image wants to be a three hundred and sixty-degree message against racism", explains the spokesperson for Pav , Fabrizio Mastrofini.

    "These comments - he adds - are never accidental but I reply from a stable order to which everyone follows without reasoning with their sadness. It is a sad ecclesial situation", he concludes.