The Limited Times

Underage tourists raped, those arrested do not respond to the investigating judge

9/14/2020, 4:29:24 PM

The prosecutor orders new investigations, in view of the evidentiary incident (ANSA)In the interrogations of guarantee before the investigating judge of Matera Angelo Onorati, the four young people arrested by the police for group sexual violence suffered by two English underage tourists, aged 16 and 15, took advantage of the right not to answer villa of Marconia di Pisticci (Matera) the night between 7 and 8 September last. The arrests of 23-year-old Michele Masiello, Alberto Lo

In the interrogations of guarantee before the investigating judge of Matera Angelo Onorati, the four young people arrested by the police for group sexual violence suffered by two English underage tourists, aged 16 and 15, took advantage of the right not to answer villa of Marconia di Pisticci (Matera) the night between 7 and 8 September last.

The arrests of 23-year-old Michele Masiello, Alberto Lopatriello (22), Alessandro Zuccaro (21) and Giuseppe Gargano (19) should be validated in the next few hours. 

In the next few days there will also be the guarantee interrogations of the other three suspects, among which there are also two trapper singers, Michele Leone and Egidio Andriulli, aka Red Michael and Meus Deus.

The third suspect is Rocco Lionetti.

In view of the probative incident, which should be held by the weekend, the public prosecutor of Matera Annafranca Ventricelli has ordered new investigations on the position of the seven young men under investigation for the sexual violence suffered by the two English girls, who will have to remain in Italy right up to carrying out the evidentiary incident.

In particular, the new investigations will concern the clothes worn by the seven young people involved, also to research the possible presence of DNA.

The mobile squad of the Matera Police Headquarters, meanwhile, continues the investigation to verify all aspects of the affair.