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Where Navalny was poisoned, his supporters recorded achievements in the Russian elections - Walla! news

9/14/2020, 8:25:55 PM

Candidates of Putin, backed by Putin, have won elections for governor of more than 12 provinces. However, the opposition has garnered rare achievements in two cities in Siberia. Germany: Laboratories in three countries have confirmed that Navalny was poisoned with nerve gas

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Where Navalny was poisoned, his supporters recorded achievements in the Russian elections

Candidates of Putin, backed by Putin, have won elections for governor of more than 12 provinces.

However, the opposition has garnered rare achievements in two cities in Siberia.

Germany: Laboratories in three countries have confirmed that Navalny was poisoned with nerve gas


  • Russia

  • Vladimir Putin

  • Alexei Navalny


Monday, 14 September 2020, 22:21

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In the video: Local elections in Russia (Photo: Reuters)

Russia's ruling party won landslide victories in the district elections, but was hit by a vote in two Siberian city councils in which Alexei Navalny's supporters competed, official results showed today (Monday).

The candidates for "United Russia," backed by President Vladimir Putin, have won or are on their way to winning governors' elections in more than 12 provinces.

However, supporters of Navalny, a senior opposition figure hospitalized in Germany since, according to Western countries' conclusions, was poisoned with nerve gas last month, have garnered rare achievements.

They won seats in the Tomsk and Novisibirsk city councils, along with other opposition groups.

At the same time, Germany said today that laboratories in three countries had confirmed its findings, according to which Navalny was attacked with the Novichuk nerve gas.

Berlin has renewed its demand for explanations from Moscow, but says the allegations against it are baseless and an excuse for imposing further sanctions on it.

"This election was a test for the regime, a test of its ability to control the election process, and it managed to conduct it quite convincingly," said Tatiana Stanovia, a political commentator.

"Nabalani is not allowed to form a party. Its supporters are not allowed to run in the district parliaments, and of course they cannot register for the governors' elections, so they have only local politics left."

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Voting in the city of Tomsk, yesterday (Photo: Reuters)

Navalny's allies continued to push Navalny's 'smart voting' strategy, putting more than a thousand candidates to the vote in which they saw themselves as able to defeat Kremlin candidates and called on their supporters to vote for them.

This strategy is designed to circumvent the political system that often prevents Putin's most prominent opponents from running in elections but only softer candidates from parties in parliament.

In Tomsk, a vibrant student town where Navalny made his last campaign stop before it collapsed, at least 16 such candidates won.

According to partial results, the ruling party did not win more than 11 of the 37 seats on the city council.

"People are tired of the authorities. You can not sit on the throne for 20 years, steal and rob constantly, do all these things without being punished," said Ksenia Fadeeva, one of Navalny's two allies who won seats in the city.

The other is Andrei Patib.

Sergei Boyko, another ally of Navalny, won a seat in the Novosibirsk city council election.

"They tell us that Navalny has 2% support and it is only the hipsters in Moscow, but these people have a majority in the ordinary suburbs of ordinary cities in Russia," Leonid Volkov, an associate of Navalny, told Reuters.

Its supporters have only local politics left in the cities.

Nabalani (Photo: AP)

In Novosibirsk, a united Russia is expected to win 22 of the 50 seats in the local assembly, compared to the 33 seats it had.

Dmitry Asensev, a member of the party, however, said three independent representatives joined the party's faction and gave it a small majority.

As with all of Putin's election campaigns, there have been numerous reports of fraud.

The independent observers' organization Golos said it had received more than a thousand complaints about various violations at the polls and that observers were subject to restrictions during their work.

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