The Limited Times

Banks, credit increase continues, Visco to the ABI Executive Committee

9/15/2020, 6:53:01 PM

Abi, lengthen moratorium times to avoid NPL recovery. Wednesday 16 live streaming of the ABI Executive Committee with the Governor of the Bank of Italy from 10 (ANSA)

 Non-performing loans have returned to the levels of September 2009, credit, thanks to the anti Covid measures launched by the government, continues to increase, especially for businesses, the moratoriums are over 300 billion euros, the ECB keeps rates low and abundant liquidity .

The credit sector, which will meet the Governor of the Bank of Italy Ignazio Visco at the Abi executive meeting on Wednesday 16 September,

thus shows its resistance in the face of the economic crisis unleashed by Covid but the risks and weaknesses are not lacking and the repercussions of the greater collapse of GDP since the war will inevitably be felt.

Squeezed between tight margins and the prospect of new lockdown periods or in any case of uncertainty, Italian banks find themselves in a new delicate phase, after having implemented, amid criticism and attacks, the measures launched by the executive with a great organizational effort and resources .

Now the government and the Italian and European authorities are expecting the postponement of the terms of the moratoriums to accompany companies to recovery.