The Limited Times

Covid-19: Toulouse, Montpellier ... student clusters are multiplying

9/15/2020, 4:40:50 PM

Between crowded lecture halls and student parties, these dozens of positive cases fuel the fear of a strong resumption of the epidemic in the

The management of the establishment denounces "irresponsible behavior".

87 positive cases for Covid-19 were recorded this week at the National Institute of Applied Sciences (Insa) of Toulouse (Haute-Garonne), while around sixty students from the Montpellier medical school have also tested positive.

According to France Bleu, the Montpellier students, overwhelmingly in second year, were tested after several parties organized in apartments and in a bar in the city center.

The establishment has decided to suspend for two weeks the courses for this particular section.


Between student evenings and crowded lecture halls, the fear of clusters at the university

In Toulouse, Insa also points to gatherings in bars in the city center "without respecting barrier gestures", reports the local radio station.

The management of the establishment, moreover, prohibits integration evenings on campus, while waiting to take any additional measures, after consultation with the Regional Health Agency.


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