The Limited Times

Following the win: Asi Buzaglo gets a tattoo Israel today

9/15/2020, 3:19:50 PM

The last survivor decided to commemorate the win in "VIP Survival" in an unconventional way - with a caption that would remind him of the exciting event for | native

Watch: The Last Survivor has decided to capture the exciting moment of "VIP Survival" in an unconventional way - with a caption that will remind him of the event forever

The coronation of the winner of the current season of "Survival" will probably be remembered as the longest and most confusing announcement ever made in the history of the format in Israel, but in the end, as is well known, a winner was crowned - Asi Bouzaglo.

The footballer and star of the show "Buzaglos" eventually managed to beat contestants like Israel Oglebo and Jordan Jerby on the way to the title of last survivor, and the event seemed to excite him so much that he decided to commemorate him on his body with a tattoo - no less and no more.

Asi Buzaglo does a tattoo

 Today (Tuesday) Buzaglo came to the tattoo studio and asked for a tattoo on his leg (in the knee area, if you go into details) with the words "The last survivor" (or in Hebrew: "The Last Survivor"). Next to this is an illustration of a hand, also tattooed, holding a burning torch - apparently to remind Buzaglo that he is the one who remains the last survivor. You know, in case he forgets.

This is of course not really Buzaglo's first tattoo, and in fact it's not even the only tattoo he got out of this season. Earlier this year, following his experience of survival and longing for his wife, he decided to tattoo her face on his body. Now, as mentioned, the winning tattoo also joins the many tattoos that cover the body of the survivor. Who's guessing what his next tattoo will be?