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Heritage days: at the Elysée, Macron salutes the crafts

9/15/2020, 8:43:56 PM

The Head of State received Tuesday evening the craftsmen who worked on the restoration of the golden living room of the Elysée Palace. A reception room

“When you see how the elements come back to life, like flowers and nymphs stand out, it has completely transformed!

"In his office, Emmanuel Macron is admiring.

And grateful.

One hand in his pocket, he casually receives in the golden salon, a central piece in the history of the Elysée Palace, which was the office of all the presidents of the Fifth Republic, with the exception of Valéry Giscard d ' Estaing.

It is here that he delivers his speeches, here that the official portrait was made, here that he receives distinguished guests.

And this Tuesday evening, a few days before the European Heritage Days which will see the French flocking in number - the gauge has been reduced to 2,500 people per day - these are some of the craftsmen who have worked on the complete restoration that has benefited the play this summer it is hosting.

“Craftsmen of excellence” who have “art in their hands”, as he puts it.


Heritage Days: the Elysee Palace adapts to the coronavirus

It is 7 pm this Tuesday, the sun, shaving, floods the place and is reflected in the mirrors and impressive gilding that give the show its name.

Here, the gold of the Republic shines more than ever.

"You have transformed this place, well done, this room vibrates totally differently, what was the hardest for you?

»Asks the president again.

“The rhythm,” answers Pierre Nagel, sculptor from the Bouvier workshop, who has worked on all the ornaments on the walls, ceiling and doors.

But in the end, that's part of the challenge.


Challenge, challenge, words that come up often when discussing with those who participated, on any scale whatsoever, in this summer workcamp.

“There are protocol activities that cannot be shifted,” breathes Michel Goutal, the chief architect of historical monuments in charge of the Palace.

Five weeks, two teams taking turns from 7 am to 11 pm, around a hundred people, cumulatively, "it's an atypical site, we did in five weeks what we would have done elsewhere in two or three months", emphasizes Baptiste Gohard, specialist in gilding.

15,000 gold leaf 0.2 microns thick

His companions deposited some 15,000 gold leaves 0.2 microns thick, the equivalent of 390 g.

"It had been 70 years since the premises had been affected, it was very tired," specifies Michel Goutal.

A part had been damaged by water damage.

“It was really in poor condition,” confirms Marie Bégué, who restored all the paintings.

A decor, dating from 1861 and signed Jean-Louis Godon for the Empress Eugenie, who comes back to life.

Staircase of honor, the Murat and aide-de-camp lounges, the portrait gallery, the village hall, in recent years, the work has continued.

“At this rate, in ten years, we will be able to reduce maintenance bills,” says the architect.

"A showcase of fine crafts"

This campaign will have “cost 930,000 euros”, one indicates to the Elysee whose buildings have an annual budget of approximately 5 million euros for restoration works managed by the Operator of the inheritance and the projects to immobilize culture (Oppic).

"If there was one piece to do, it was this one, it is a showcase of French crafts and know-how", estimates Jean-François Delhay, project owner for the Oppic.

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"Often, we do not dare to decide on this work, while it is our duty", reminded Emmanuel Macron who was delighted that the site could take place despite the health crisis.

"These are ancestral know-how that we have not lost because for centuries we have not broken the chain of transmission, it must continue", he added, stressing that these "French jobs and know-how make it possible to project French excellence abroad".