The Limited Times

Hurricane Sally strengthens, en route between Mississippi and Louisiana

9/15/2020, 2:53:01 PM

Hurricane Sally strengthened to Category 2 yesterday and is likely to hit land today in Biloxi, Mississippi. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - NEW YORK, SEPTEMBER 15 - Hurricane Sally yesterday strengthened to category 2 and today should probably hit the ground in Biloxi, Mississippi.

According to experts, it could follow the border line between Mississippi and Louisiana, a route similar to that of Katrina, which devastated New Orleans in 2005.

The National Hurricane Center has learned that Sally is expected to arrive on the Gulf Coast tonight (local time), and could "approach the strength of a major hurricane."

    The winds have picked up at 160km per hour, but the most worrying thing is its slow final approach. American President Donald Trump approved the emergency declarations for Mississippi and Louisiana, thereby authorizing the Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (Fema) to assist in disaster relief efforts in the two states. (HANDLE).