The Limited Times

Salini, Sanremo will be there, we are thinking about the date

9/15/2020, 2:09:23 PM

"I confirm what has already been said by the director of Rai1 Stefano Coletta: Sanremo cannot be avoided, it is an essential appointment for Rai. On the date of the festival we are understanding which could be the best one". (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - ROME, SEPTEMBER 15 - "I confirm what has already been said by the director of Rai1 Stefano Coletta: Sanremo cannot be avoided, it is an essential appointment for Rai. On the date of the festival we are understanding which one could be the best".

   Thus the Rai CEO Fabrizio Salini, during the presentation of the Radio Rai schedules, after the declarations made first by Amadeus and then by Fiorello.

    "We come from the Sanremo of records, of friendship, of gender equality. In 2021 we will like to reiterate an equally rich and intense Sanremo", he underlines. (HANDLE).