The Limited Times

Tv: "Temptation Island" is back with Alessia Marcuzzi

9/15/2020, 4:13:50 PM

Alessia Marcuzzi returns to take on the role of the confidant of six couples, not famous, who put their love to the test. Wednesday 16 September in prime time on Canale 5 a new edition of "Temptation Island" starts. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - ROME, SEPTEMBER 15 - Alessia Marcuzzi returns to dress the years of the confidant of six couples, not famous, who test their love.

Wednesday 16 September in the first evening on Canale 5 a new edition of "Temptation Island" starts.

Six scheduled episodes in which the protagonists are Alberto and Speranza, Anna and Gennaro, Carlotta and Nello, Nadia and Antonio, Serena and Davide, Sofia and Amedeo.

    Inside the resort, the six couples live separately in two different villages (that of the boyfriends and that of the girlfriends), without contact with the outside world, for three weeks in which they are followed 24 hours a day by the cameras.

During this time of separation they have a unique opportunity to reflect on their relationship to understand if theirs is true love.

Enough time to be able to evaluate the limits and strengths of your relationship.

A path that allows them to come out with clearer ideas and greater certainties about their sentimental bonds.

    Accompanying the stay of the engaged couple in Sardinia, 22 singles with whom it is normal / natural to establish a friendship relationship that often leads them to tell each other in long confidences.

   The singles participating are 22: Filippo, Lorenzo, Steve, Mario, Antonio, Alberto, Gianluca, Roberto, Stefano, Ettore and Michael;

Vanessa, Giovanna, Ginevra, Emanuela, Ester, Eleonora, Adelaide, Giada, Benedetta, Nunzia and Giulia.