The Limited Times

Corona risk for youth higher than expected? Three factors significantly increase the risk of a severe course

9/16/2020, 12:56:02 PM

Young people are not infected with Corona anyway - such statements can be heard again and again in the population. But what does it actually look like?

Young people are not infected with Corona anyway - such statements can be heard again and again in the population.

But what does it actually look like?

  • How badly are younger people affected by corona disease?

  • A US study now provides information.

    Three factors favor a severe course of the disease.

  • We have



    facts about the coronavirus


    for you 


    We also offer you the latest case numbers and Corona news from Germany on a map.

Munich - The

numbers of

corona infections have

recently risen again

across Europe

, so that worries about a second wave * are growing.


, some countries are still a long way from


pandemic peak

in March and April.

This is mainly due to the phenomenon of the younger and younger

Covid 19 patients


Corona risk for youth higher than expected?

Covid-19 patients are getting younger and younger

The average age of

corona patients

in Germany around Easter was 52 years, now it is 32 years.

Incidentally, the general national age average in Germany is 44.5 - a clear indication that at the moment more and more young people

are affected




The Robert Koch Institute * also writes in its current management report: “It is noticeable that more and more young people have become infected in recent weeks, so that the 7-day incidence * is significantly higher in younger age groups than in older age groups. "

Whether in Spain, France, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Austria, Hungary or Great Britain - these developments can be observed in many places and definitely have advantages for the local health systems.

The lower age of infection relieves the hospitals, as


often takes a milder course in younger people and they are consequently less dependent on intensive care.

But what happens if this is the case?

Corona in young people: US study shows the course of the disease - numbers in Germany contradict

A recently published US study analyzed the disease progression of 3,222

corona patients

between 18 and 34 years of age and shows what young people can


if they are





Around every fifth young

Covid-19 patient

in the hospital (21 percent) had to be


in the 

intensive care unit

, ten percent even had mechanical ventilation.

A total of 2.7 percent of the patients examined 



According to the authors, the


rate from

Covid-19 was

about twice as high as that of a heart attack in the age group.

However, the study results only partially coincide with the statistics in



More and more young people are becoming infected, but this is not reflected in the death rate.

Only 37 of the total of 9,350 corona deaths in the Federal Republic were under 40 years old (as of September 13).

This corresponds to a share of 0.39 percent.

There were only two corona deaths younger than 20 years old, both had previous illnesses.

The daily number of deaths among #coronavirus-infected people in 🇩🇪 is still at a greatly reduced level.

Yesterday a death was reported according to the RKI daily statistics, the total number of deceased rises to 9350. @ welt

- Olaf Gersemann (@OlafGersemann) September 14, 2020

Corona in young people: These three factors increase fatal disease sales

It is also noticeable in the US study that people with previous illnesses such as obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes are particularly at risk.

According to the study, these patients had the same risk of

developing Covid-19

as 35 to 64-year-olds without these previous illnesses.

Deadly it is especially


when the three risk factors morbid obesity, hypertension and diabetes occur together.


Anthony Fauci

, immunologist and health advisor at the White House

, warned

: “It is not true that there can be no harmful consequences for young people.

We see more and more complications in young people. "

Corona among young people: despite the milder course of the disease - the responsibility remains

In summary, it can be said that

Corona is

not a harmless cold for young people, but that they do not become infected with it in a less serious way.

It becomes treacherous when young people fail to notice that they have become infected due to a mild course of the infection.

Then older people could be infected and the disease could develop into a significantly worse course.

So it remains a double-edged sword.

(as) * is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network

List of rubric lists: © Picture Alliance / obs / Alltours

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