The Limited Times

Jim Carrey returns to TV in a big way: it will be Joe Biden

9/17/2020, 8:17:09 PM

The actor and comedian will play the role of the Democratic candidate for president of the United States on the program 'Saturday Night Live'

Years, if not decades, Jim Carrey's career reached its zenith.

In the mid-nineties he became one of the most popular faces in cinema thanks to titles such as

Two very silly fools or The Mask, Ace Ventura


The Truman Show.

A good streak that continued in the early 2000s with

The Grinch, Forget about me


A series of catastrophic misfortunes.

However, and despite the fact that he has not stopped working, his choices have been less successful and success, professionally and sometimes personally, has not smiled so much since then.

However, Carrey seems ready to regain the popularity that made him one of the most praised comedians in the industry and a favorite of the public.

That is why he has now decided to join the staff of one of the oldest programs on television:

Saturday Night Live.

(or SNL, as it is known by its acronym in English).

In season number 46 of the veteran format, he will play one of the most current characters of the moment, the politician Joe Biden, from next October 3.

Carrey will put himself in the shoes of the already Democratic candidate for the presidency of the United States, whose elections are held next Tuesday, November 3 and in which Biden seeks to snatch the White House from Republican Donald Trump.

With his addition to the program, Jim Carrey will be part of the cast of stars who have been bringing humorous life to some of the most important politicians in the United States for years. These are the cases of Alec Baldwin, who has won the applause of the critics and has given a twist to her public projection thanks to playing Donald Trump, and Maya Rudolph, who gets into the shoes of the now candidate for vice president of the United States by the Democrats, Kamala Harris.

Carrey has already participated in a few SNL shows, but never playing Biden.

The politician has been played on other occasions by actors such as Woody Harrelson, Jason Sudeikis and John Mulaney.

The programs in which the 58-year-old Canadian actor will appear will be the first to be broadcast live since they had to be canceled due to the coronavirus pandemic.

As announced by the network that broadcasts it, NBC, the programs will take place "in a controlled audience studio at Rockefeller Center" in New York, and the program "will work hand in hand" with the state governor's team, Andrew M. Cuomo, so that there are no problems with the coronavirus, according to

The New York Times newspaper


Its arrival on the screens of thousands of Americans (and also of spectators around the world who follow the program) is a golden opportunity for Carrey, especially after the low moments that he has had to live.

This summer he has published his memoirs,

Memories and misinformation

, to which he has dedicated no less than eight years and for which half Hollywood parades: John Travolta, Gwyneth Paltrow, Goldie Hawn, Jack Nicholson, Tom Hanks, Leonardo DiCaprio, Sean Penn, Anthony Hopkins, Steven Spielberg, Nicolas Cage ...

In them, he is also portrayed.

He talks about his egos, his whims (he spent a good part of

Batman Forever's


on a Chaplin cane), his sentimental dramas (with Renée Zellweger as the love of his life) and even his delusions and psychological problems.

One of the hardest episodes of his life was the suicide of his girlfriend, Cathriona White, who died in 2015 at the age of 28.

In addition to suffering it for his death, the young woman's mother and her husband still sued him and he was forced to get involved in a legal battle that he finally won.

Carrey has overcome depression, a problem that has always haunted him and has never hidden.

In 2017 he stated: “Right now I no longer have depression.

For years I suffered it, but now when the storm arrives it is just a storm and it doesn't stay ”.

And he said: "When an episode comes, it doesn't stay long, it doesn't drown me anymore."