The Limited Times

With a recorded message and without Alberto Fernández, the Government extended the quarantine until October 11

9/18/2020, 7:35:44 PM

He did it with a video that only included graphics and the voice of an announcer who detailed the state of affairs. Thus, the country will fulfill 205 days of restrictions.

09/18/2020 - 16:23

  • Clarí

  • Politics

The national government announces a new extension of the social, preventive and compulsory isolation (ASPO) due to the coronavirus, after the meeting that President

Alberto Fernández had

with the Buenos Aires governor Axel Kicillof, and the Buenos Aires head of government, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta

on the eve

, at the Olivos Residence.

By participating this afternoon in an act at the Churruca hospital, President Fernández announced that this afternoon the decree will be issued that will extend the social and mandatory isolation, whose current stage ends this Sunday.

In this framework, the president announced that "

measures will be deepened where they must be deepened to avoid contact

" in areas where the cases of infections are high, and that the objective of the Government "is that once and for all, the contagion curve start going down. "

In the framework of the inauguration of works in the hospital complex of the Federal Police "Churruca Visca", Fernández pointed out: "The pandemic is far from having been overcome" and pointed out that -in addition to the meeting he held yesterday with Kicillof and Rodríguez Larreta- He spoke in the last hours "with several governors to analyze the situation," such as the president of Río Negro, Arabela Carreras.

"We are in a time where

social responsibility has a lot to do with it

, but we also need the political responsibility of those who govern. Today we are going to issue a decree of necessity and urgency to try to deepen where we must deepen the measures to avoid contact between us, "he noted.

"We must all understand that no matter how much you can go to have a beer or have a coffee or eat something on the sidewalk, you

have to understand that the risk is spinning

and you have to take good care of ourselves. As much as we want to return to normality, we are far from overcoming the pandemic, "added Fernández.

In turn, Kicillof and Larreta will offer press conferences to detail how the social isolation will continue in their districts as of Monday, since the current stage will conclude next Sunday.

"The priority continues to be the health issue," remarked the Chief of Staff of the province of Buenos Aires, Carlos Bianco.

In statements to TN, the Buenos Aires official slipped that the only activity that would be enabled is construction.

He said that the objective is to "consolidate the drop in cases in the suburbs and that small downward slope", and "detect contagion sources in the interior very quickly so that the virus does not continue to spread." 

Bianco sent a message to the mayors stating that "in times of a pandemic the worst thing we can do is make decisions without consultation."

"We have been working with all the districts, except for some that made particular decisions, such as the case of Tandil, which is perhaps the most visible because they discarded or intend to discard the system that all the districts have been working with," Bianco said.

Followed, the provincial chief of cabinet remarked that "the Nation establishes a very clear framework, which is that of isolation, and that within this framework the province implements the phase system."

"There was no reason to be rebellious as the mayor of Tandil (Miguel Ángel Lunghi) did," he lamented. 

For his part, Rodríguez Larreta will give details of the next stage in the City with a press conference at 3:45 p.m. at the Buenos Aires government headquarters.

He will be accompanied by the deputy chief, Diego Santilli;

the Chief of Cabinet, Felipe Miguel;

the Minister of Health, Fernán Quirós;

the Minister of Education, Soledad Acuña, and the Minister of Economic Development and Production, José Luis Giusti.

In yesterday's meeting with the President, the City insisted on the proposal to open more outdoor spaces for gastronomy stores, such as patios and terraces, which was rejected weeks ago by the Nation.

The plan drawn up by the Buenos Aires Ministry of Education was also raised for the "return to face-to-face" of students who lost their link with schools due to the pandemic, which provides for school support classes and reading workshops in public spaces. like neighborhood squares or streets.

From the Province they reported that the position before the next phase "is to continue as close as possible to the current situation", although they admitted that a protocol is being worked on with the Uocra union for the return to the activity of construction works in the sector private.