The Limited Times

"At least a thousand more dead from Corona by November; without tightening the closure - more than 2,000" Israel today

9/20/2020, 5:34:53 PM

| healthThe team of experts at the Hebrew University, which has so far predicted the morbidity data with relative accuracy, warns: "Within two weeks - about 250 respirators" • "There is a significant and significant increase in the number of patients" According to the team of experts at the Hebrew University, a thousand more people are expected to die in Israel from the corona virus by November, and the

The team of experts at the Hebrew University, which has so far predicted the morbidity data with relative accuracy, warns: "Within two weeks - about 250 respirators" • "There is a significant and significant increase in the number of patients"

According to the team of experts at the Hebrew University, a thousand more people are expected to die in Israel from the corona virus by November, and the number will double if the closure does not tighten.

According to a document that the team distributed today (Sunday), within two weeks there are expected to be 250 respiratory patients in Israel - while today there are 170 respirated patients.

Photo: Knesset Spokeswoman

According to the team, which predicted the morbidity data in Israel with relatively high accuracy, the document is based on preserving the ability to care for the health system and without breaking the government's "Protecting Fathers and Mothers" program, which aims to "ensure national resilience and protect the elderly and disabled." Providing optimal treatment with an overall national vision, in the face of the spread of Cubid's disease "19", in addition to "focusing efforts on preserving these capabilities".

The team also calls for "preventing gatherings without any exceptions".

The team also predicts that in the coming days there will be a dramatic increase in the number of patients in a serious and moderate condition, which will, among other things, lead to a "sufficient threshold of the health system in the near future, even regardless of the planned closure."

They believe that the health care system should be prepared immediately for the absorption of a wave of serious illness.

"A forward assessment of the impact of an effective closure, based on the effectiveness of the closure imposed last Passover and closures imposed in Australia and Austria, allows for the prospect of possible scenarios," the document said.

The team members also wrote that since August 20, the increase in the number of patients in a critical condition has occurred mainly among a young population, while accordingly there has been no corresponding rapid increase in the number of patients in this condition.

In recent days, however, there has been an acceleration in the rate of increase of patients in critical condition due to infection between several age groups, due to family reunions during the Tishrei holidays in general and Rosh Hashanah in particular.

The authors of the document propose to partially open the schools and open the kindergartens in capsules while opening the economy wide to try to avoid the difficult forecast.

They also propose to completely avoid the full opening of schools and prevent the opening of synagogues and beaches, and not allow events to be held for up to 250 people until the end of the Corona crisis.

Next, they suggest, perform national reliefs two weeks apart.

Corona's commissioner, Prof. Roni Gamzo, told News 12 tonight that he expects the number of patients in critical condition in Israel to reach 800 in about a week, so the death toll will rise to 20 dead each day.

According to him, the monthly death rate is expected to approach 600 people.

"We are in an emergency. Elective activity in hospitals must be reduced. I have instructed all hospitals to open more corona wards."

"We did not abide by the new contract with the public, but the public did not abide by it either," the Corona commissioner said.

"The corona also passes at a young age, and it should be recognized. Opening the education system was a mistake."

Prof. Gamzo asked the public to pray in open spaces even during the High Holidays: "I say to the protesters - try to curb, this is not the time. It is a democratic act that I cherish, but restraint must be maintained. You have the whole year to demonstrate."