The Limited Times

Delicious slimming agent: This bread is baked quickly and makes you feel full for a long time

9/20/2020, 8:47:16 PM

Bread is a fast supplier of energy that you can always reapply. Some types of bread are real slim wonders. Like this oatmeal bread. How to bake it.

Bread is a fast supplier of energy that you can always reapply.

Some types of bread are real slim wonders.

Like this oatmeal bread.

How to bake it.

Open sandwiches save any long car journey, they are perfect as a snack, for dinner or as a quick rescue for hunger after work.

Unfortunately, some types of bread hit your hips quite a bit without filling you up for long.

Others are real slimming products, such as this quick

oatmeal quark bread


Lose weight: These ingredients in oatmeal quark bread make it so filling

Quark is a good source of protein, while whole-grain oat flakes keep you feeling full for a long time and provide the human body with sufficient fiber.

In addition, the

whole grain oatmeal provides you with

many important vitamins and minerals and your blood sugar level does not soar as quickly as it would with white flour.

Read on



Simply bake bread in a pot - smart tip for beginners

Oatmeal quark bread for weight loss: you need these ingredients

  • 500 g low-fat quark

  • 250 g grainy oat flakes (whole grain)

  • 250 g tender oat flakes (whole grain)

  • 1 teaspoon salt

  • 3 eggs, size M

  • 2 packs of baking powder

  • 1 apple (alternatively 1 large carrot)

Also interesting:

Whole-grain bread for beginners is a success for everyone - and it tastes simply brilliant

How to bake the oatmeal quark bread for weight loss

  • Preheat your oven to 180 degrees circulating air.

  • Beat three eggs in a bowl and mix them carefully with a whisk

  • Peel and grate

    the apple or carrot


  • Stir the quark and apple or carrot into the beaten eggs.

  • Add the hearty and tender oat flakes, the two sachets of baking powder and the teaspoon of salt.

  • Knead everything into a

    sticky dough


  • Line a loaf pan with parchment paper and pour the batter into it.

  • Let the dough rest in the baking pan for about 15 minutes.

  • Bake the bread for about 45 minutes.

  • The bread tastes good with

    any type of topping, whether sweet or savory


    It is also very good toasted or coated with garlic butter and grilled.


    oatmeal quark bread will keep in the

    refrigerator for

    about a week, but you will certainly have eaten it quickly.


    Also read:

    Five-Minute Method: How to Simply Bake Fresh Bread Yourself

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    List of rubric lists: © Uwe Anspach / dpa

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