The Limited Times

Liran Koehner shows pregnant belly after training - Walla! Celebs

9/20/2020, 9:34:53 PM

The devastating model has only recently announced that she is carrying a second fetus in her womb, but that is not what will stop her from continuing to lead a healthy lifestyle that includes, of course, training with her regular trainer. Walla! Celebs are sweating

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Liran Koehner shows pregnant belly after training

The devastating model has only recently announced that she is carrying a second fetus in her womb, but that is not what will stop her from continuing to lead a healthy lifestyle that includes, of course, training with her regular trainer.


Celebs are sweating


  • Liran Kohner

Photo: Paul Segal

Monday, 21 September 2020, 00:27

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Just less than a month ago,

Liran Kohaner

and her husband,

Guy Gior

, announced that they were expecting a second child to join their eldest daughter, Xia.

But if you thought that the fact that her belly was reduced - would make the blonde model stop visiting her favorite training studio in the Tel Aviv port, wait until you see the following pictures in which the star of the network for parenting is seen sweating in her sportswear.

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Koehner, who after the first birth became an oasis who gives tips for raising children, came to the training studio of her permanent coach, Leakey, but did not expect that at the end of the training - the paparazzi photographer would be waiting for her.

Priest, who wore a hat on her head, tried to elegantly dodge the photographer but without much success.

Finally, a moment after exposing her pregnant belly, the hot star got into her car and drove away.


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